时间:2023-01-07 14:10
2. experimental high school(实验高级中学)
Millennia Institute ( 励仁高级中学 )
Jiashan Senior High School Jiashan senior secondary school ( 嘉善高级中学 )
National Yilan Senior High School ( 国立宜兰高级中学 )
national hsinchu senior high school ( 国立新竹高级中学 )
National Hualien Senior High School ( 国立花莲高级中学 )
Shenzhen senior high school SZSHS ( 深圳市高级中学 )
1. Senior sales representative.
2. Been through secondary school
3. And my expensive whiskey is
7. Dude never met a five-syllable word he didn't like.
8. in the United States department of homeland security,
9. Why do you have your panties in a twist?
10. You're a junior at Silverton High School.
11. You knew Jake Hollander at senior school?
12. i contacted Michelle's high school- your high school-
13. - Formerly of Stars Hollow High School.
14. We graduated together... from middle school.
15. But i'm a superior pawn. Your superior pawn, you understand?