混合型胶粘剂用英语怎么说 混合型胶粘剂英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 14:00

导读:混合型胶粘剂用英语翻译为"  mixed adhesive",还可以翻译为mixed adhesive,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到15个与混合型胶粘剂相关的译文和例句。

混合型胶粘剂用英语怎么说 混合型胶粘剂英语翻译

混合型胶粘剂用英语翻译为"  mixed adhesive",还可以翻译为mixed adhesive,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到15个与混合型胶粘剂相关的译文和例句。

1. We stuck it with superglue.

2. Mixed parents. Happy mixed parents.

3. Might-E Glue is simply the strongest adhesive on the planet.

4. in MLL, it's the middle set of genes, and in AML, it's the bottom set of genes.

译文:混合型白血病中,中间那部分基因会过表达 而急性髓细胞白血病中,则是下面的那部分基因过表达 。

5. Well, it's the combination.

6. The next category is scattered fibroglandular densities, followed by heterogeneously dense and extremely dense.

译文:第二种 是分散乳腺纤维密度型; 然后是混合密度型, 和最高密度型。 。

7. if we put adhesive-filled fibers and tubes into the mixture, they’ll snap open when a crack forms, releasing their sticky contents and sealing the gap.

译文:如果我们将纤维胶液管, 加入到混凝土混合物中, 那么在出现裂缝时, 纤维胶液管就会破裂, 释放出胶粘剂修复裂缝。 。

11. (Laughter) Well, it shows you that -- i also deal with issues where there's not certainty of whether it's a girl or a boy, so the mixed answer was very appropriate.

混合型胶粘剂用英语怎么说 混合型胶粘剂英语翻译

译文:你看, 我处理的病例中还有 不能确定是男孩还是女孩的情况, 所以说刚才混合型的答案是很合适的。 。

12. The next category is scattered fibroglandular densities, followed by heterogeneously dense and extremely dense.

译文:第二种 是分散乳腺纤维密度型; 然后是混合密度型, 和最高密度型。。

13. And see if we can Find some great whites.

14. And blended it with that of frogs.

混合型胶粘剂用英语怎么说 混合型胶粘剂英语翻译

15. i tell you what, i'm gonna have a cheeseburger deluxe, and i'll get steak, medium rare.

