时间:2023-01-07 13:50
订单取消的英语为" ORDER CANCEL",还网络中常译为"order cancellation",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到32个与订单取消相关的短语释义和例句。
Canceling the order cancel order cancel my order ( 取消订单 )
take my hand lift me up ( 我把我的订单取消了 )
cancellation charge ( 取消订单费用 )
cancelled by buyer ( 买方取消订单 )
Canceling Items or Orders ( 取消订单或项目 )
One Cancel The Other Order ( 自动取消订单 )
1. Orders are orders, and i'm a model assistant.
2. Cancel the det, Cancel the det,
3. We apologize for canceling the order.
4. And eventually, the work came in.
5. But i can't cancel orders at this late date.
6. Even if there's a lot of orders, she's able to remember everything.
7. - i-i best cancel our order, then.
8. He's still giving the orders.
9. They would deliver an order.
10. Cancel Trident. Spend the?
译文:取消三叉戟订单 省下150亿 花在陆军上 Spend the ?。
11. i came here today... to apologize for canceling.
12. The Order of the Ghost Scorpion.
13. if our buyers find out the missiles are worthless, they'll pull all their orders and this bank will be left insolvent.
译文:要是买方发现没有价值 他们就会取消订单 这家银行就会破产。
14. You know, i'll put the order in now.
15. Okay,well,i'm gonna have to call them and cancel the order.