毛囊角化病用英语怎么说 毛囊角化病英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 13:40

导读:毛囊角化病的英语翻译是"  Darier Disease",在日常中也可以翻译为"Darier's disease -",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到22个与毛囊角化病相关的短语翻译和用法。

毛囊角化病用英语怎么说 毛囊角化病英语翻译

毛囊角化病的英语翻译是"  Darier Disease",在日常中也可以翻译为"Darier's disease -",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到22个与毛囊角化病相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. dyskeratosis follicularis([医] 毛囊角化不良, 毛囊角化病)

毛囊角化病用英语怎么说 毛囊角化病英语翻译

3. ichthyosis sebacea clornea([医] 毛囊角化病)

4. perifollicular keratosis(毛囊周角化病)

inverted follicular keratosis ( 倒置性毛囊角化病 )

Keratosis follicularis vegetans ( 增殖性毛囊角化病 )

keratosis follicularis spinulosa ( 棘状毛囊角化病 )

毛囊角化病用英语怎么说 毛囊角化病英语翻译

inverted follicular keratosis ( 内翻性毛囊角化病 )

perifollicular keratosis ( 毛囊周角化病 )

Dyskeratosis pseudofollicularis ( 假性毛囊角化不良病 )

1. But this disease- - Disease?

2. Alzheimer's, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia... leukemia, diabetes, dyslexia.

毛囊角化病用英语怎么说 毛囊角化病英语翻译

译文:那你什么病都会染上 早老痴呆病、肌肉营养不良 血友病、糖尿病、阅读困难。

3. Long periods of stress can release signals that shock follicles and force them into the resting phase prematurely.

4. Voice: What kind of disease?

5. Bullying is a disease. Prejudice is a disease.

6. Henry found DNA on the follicle.

毛囊角化病用英语怎么说 毛囊角化病英语翻译

7. Bullying is a disease. Prejudice is a disease. Violence is a disease.

8. i need to find new hair follicles or do a blood test

9. Shock-induced achromotrichia, hyperkeratotic skin lesions, and clear signs of dehydration.

译文:休克引发的毛发褪色 角化过度引发皮肤损害 以及明显的脱水迹象。

10. That means no one is really sick

11. You've been ill for a long time.

12. Hair follicles. Sebaceous glands?

13. High pressure! Diabetic! Heart sick!

14. Addison's disease, Addison's disease, ...

15. Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.

译文:表皮松解性角化过度鱼鳞病 EpidermoIytic hyperkeratosis.。

