本罪用英语怎么说 本罪的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 13:40

导读:本罪的英语是"  principal crime",还网络中常译为"this crime",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到22个与本罪相关的译文和例句。

本罪用英语怎么说 本罪的英语翻译

本罪的英语是"  principal crime",还网络中常译为"this crime",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到22个与本罪相关的译文和例句。

definition of a crime ( 本罪认定 )

gramineous green manure crop ( 禾本科绿肥罪 )

Criminal illegal social harmfulness Social harm the criminal nature ( 犯罪本质 )

1. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

2. That he was innocent. Was set up to get me out.

3. You went through? What exactly did you have to go through, Charlie?

本罪用英语怎么说 本罪的英语翻译

4. Divorced and dishonorably discharged...

5. That anyone with information about this crime,

6. You're under arrest for receiving bribes, enterprise corruption, and conspiracy.

7. i can't let him get away with it,

8. There are no mitigating circumstances.

本罪用英语怎么说 本罪的英语翻译

9. And forgive my sin and guilt.

10. Forgive me for my sins, whatever they may be. Amen.

11. 313 million counts of illegal wiretapping, plus conspiracy, espionage, and treason.

译文:3.13亿项非法指控 加上阴谋罪 间谍罪 叛国罪。

12. And the first sin was the sin of intercourse.

本罪用英语怎么说 本罪的英语翻译

译文:首罪就是的罪 And the first sin was the sin of intercourse. 首罪就是的罪 And the first sin was the sin of intercourse.。

13. We can't abandon Jimal. He was looking at misdemeanor battery.

14. - And what crime has she committed?

15. it's improper, it's a sin!

