时间:2023-01-07 13:30
发明证书通常被翻译为"copyright certificate on invention"的意思,还可以翻译为 certificate of invention,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到19个与发明证书相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. copyright certificate on invention
发明证书翻译为copyright certificate on invention。
示例:i've seen your birth certificate. I've seen your birth certificate.
2. inventor certificate([专利] 发明人证书)
3. inventor's certificate([经] 发明人证书)
certification of work ( 签发工程证明书 )
replacement certificate ( 补发证明书 )
certificate for inventor's patent right ( 发明专利权证书 )
issue a certificate ( 发出一份证明书 )
replacement certificate ( 另发的注册证明书 )
1. But they can show you how to build things in sequence.
2. Then with authority, hang up.
3. Here's a certificate to prove it.
4. Our guest will now present us with certificates of achievement!
5. A certificate of aptitude to take care of disabled persons.
6. i can't shοw yοu a certificate.
7. And when they do all of that for about five years, they get the coveted board certification.
8. So do y'all have references?
9. "receives certificate... of attendance."
10. And i'm proof that mental illness is treatable.
11. Give you some qualification.
12. Where'd you buy your license from?
13. You all get your California Technology License.
14. i don't know, loaded with assets? "Rich" just means overpriced.
15. Well yes. i validated my CAFAD.