在你的背后用英语怎么说 在你的背后英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 13:10

导读:在你的背后在英语中的翻译是"  scat zero",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到19个与在你的背后相关的翻译和例句。

在你的背后用英语怎么说 在你的背后英语翻译

在你的背后在英语中的翻译是"  scat zero",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到19个与在你的背后相关的翻译和例句。

1. in your mind( 在你脑海里;在你的心里;在你的心中)

在你的背后用英语怎么说 在你的背后英语翻译

2. on your way( 在你途中;在你的路上;在你的道路上)

3. under your thumb( 在你的掌控下;在你的拇指之下;在你的指手画脚)

I will stand behind you ( 我会站在你的背后 )

It's there at your back ( 就在你的背后了 )

You're always behind our ( 你总在我们的背后 )

在你的背后用英语怎么说 在你的背后英语翻译

1. Behind your back, before your eyes.

2. Not someone who stands back and watches and...

3. Dude, it's right behind you.

4. Now you have to understand it.

5. - i heard you come in, Colbert would have, too.

在你的背后用英语怎么说 在你的背后英语翻译

6. - The safest place is behind you.

7. You stand behind your product, nigga?

8. They're puttin' terrorists in your backyard.

9. Behind your bureau, in your wall, in your room.

10. Oh, well, i'm afraid it's the other way.

在你的背后用英语怎么说 在你的背后英语翻译

11. She would never make fun of you behind your back

12. - Leonard, you got one on your tail.

13. That's your man in the corner back there.

14. Sweep west, keep the sun at your back.

15. Put your hands behind your back right now.

