成形时间用英语怎么说 成形时间英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 13:10

导读:成形时间的英语是"  molding time",在日常中也可以翻译为"  forming time",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到80个与成形时间相关的短语释义和例句。

成形时间用英语怎么说 成形时间英语翻译

成形时间的英语是"  molding time",在日常中也可以翻译为"  forming time",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到80个与成形时间相关的短语释义和例句。

TTCI Time to Crack Initiation ( 裂纹形成时间 )

成形时间用英语怎么说 成形时间英语翻译

time of floe formation ( 混凝体形成时间 )

gust formation time ( 阵风形成时间 )

formative time of spark ( 火花形成时间 )

thrombus formation time ( 血栓形成时间 )

1. Where a moon forms can also mean the difference between survival and destruction.

成形时间用英语怎么说 成形时间英语翻译

2. i'm thinking of performing an umbilical plasty on myself.

3. Your new bodies are growing in there.

4. 'A new form of me began to take shape.

5. Computer model shows it´s building.

6. Shadows of it begin to form, in the light of a new day.

成形时间用英语怎么说 成形时间英语翻译

7. But i see a murky picture forming in that mind of yours.

8. Both of us were young and unformed.

11. "The hills are webs of shadow." "slowly spun."

12. At six months, Phoebe thinks that when she can't see someone they vanish from the world entirely.

13. When they grow up, they have to leave there.

成形时间用英语怎么说 成形时间英语翻译

14. And it must be strangled in its cradle...

15. You're developing a taste for it.

