时间:2023-01-07 13:00
消防器材用英语翻译为"fire-fighting equipment",在日常中也可以翻译为" Fire Equipment",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到83个与消防器材相关的短语翻译和用法。
消防器材翻译为 fire protection equipment 。
To oversee quality control in the production of fire-fighting apparatus and equipment.
Fire Equipment Storage fire fighting equipment storage area ( 消防器材存放区 )
Prohibit tampering with fire equipment ( 禁止乱动消防器材 )
Fire equipment list ( 消防器材清单 )
1. - i will sell my equipment.
2. Some new things would be useful. - Yuck!
3. Could you be careful with that? That's expensive equipment.
4. Careful with these vid packs.
5. i want you to set up the basic panel down here. Right.
6. Fire department equipment will be here in 5.
7. All my fire gear is over at the fire house.
8. Engine 13, Engine 52, Engine 8 and 6...
译文:消防车 13, 消防车 52, 消防车 8 和 6...。
9. - Now, judging from the scope...
10. We've only left the bare necessities.
11. Engine five, Engine 55, Engine 33.
12. Got a camera. You like photography?
13. Does this count as recording equipment?
14. Bring the equipment up here.
15. Check down the field for emergency equipment.