社会化用英语怎么说 社会化的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 12:40

导读:社会化的英语为"socialization -",在日常中也可以翻译为"social supply -",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到65个与社会化相关的短语翻译和用法。

社会化用英语怎么说 社会化的英语翻译

社会化的英语为"socialization -",在日常中也可以翻译为"social supply -",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到65个与社会化相关的短语翻译和用法。

socialized mass production large-scale socialized production large-scale social production ( 社会化大生产 )

社会化用英语怎么说 社会化的英语翻译

socialization of science and technology ( 科学技术社会化 )

anticipatory socialization ( 预期社会化 )

social bookmarking Socinos Bookmarks Sociing Bookmarks ( 社会化书签 )

Social network SNS Sociing Network Explore and Find New Interests ( 社会化网络 )

8. Every time you do things on the social networking site, the social networking site is taking data and using it -- re-purposing it -- and using it to make other people's lives more interesting on the site.

社会化用英语怎么说 社会化的英语翻译

译文:每次你在社会化网络上做的事 社会化网络站点就获取数据并利用它 重新设计数据的目的是为了让这个站点的其他人过得更有趣。

9. i know that primates are very social animals ... but seeing this act of generosity was something i'll never forget.

译文:我知道灵长类是很社会化的动物 但是看到这种慷慨分享的动作 我永远都不会忘记。

10. So we needed a social method for figuring out the answer to this.

13. We are increasingly in a landscape where media is global, social, ubiquitous and cheap.

社会化用英语怎么说 社会化的英语翻译

译文:我们快速经历一个媒体全球化的前景。 社会化,无处不在的和便宜的。。

14. And they are doing some fantastic research into the characteristics, into the abilities and the socialization of hackers.

译文:他们从事着非常棒的研究 关于黑客特征 才能 和社会化方面。

15. What it's telling us is that capitalism is going to become more social.

