时间:2023-01-07 12:30
检查结果的英语翻译是" check the result",在日常中也可以翻译为"check the result",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到33个与检查结果相关的短语释义和例句。
Test result positive ( 检查结果呈阳性 )
Laboratory test results Laboratory results ( 实验室检查结果 )
Test result negative ( 检查结果呈阴性 )
Test result positive ( 检查结果阳性 )
Media Check Result ( 媒体检查结果 )
Detailed results of the inspection Detailed test results Result details ( 检查结果明细 )
Tolerance Check Results ( 偏差检查结果 )
Sunday check results Hair test results on Sunday ( 周日发检查结果 )
1. All we can do now is to wait for the test result.
2. Heart and tummy looking strong. JAX: That'sgreat.
3. That was taken a few hours ago.
4. - Yes? Good news, the test came back negative for any cardiac event.
5. i'm telling you, that test is wrong.
6. i knew that he changed his results.
7. Here's the results for B Taylor.
8. - At least, like, until i can figure out...
9. i was looking at your blood test.
10. Yes. What's the outcome of the examination?
11. The results of the blood test Dr. Beauregard gave me.
12. Did you get your test results yet?
13. Appeals of hearing tests. Right?
14. That test says you're lying.
15. Erica Loius has an tests result was back