网络丢包率用英语怎么说 网络丢包率英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 12:20


网络丢包率用英语怎么说 网络丢包率英语翻译


4. Closer to the front of the pile.

网络丢包率用英语怎么说 网络丢包率英语翻译

5. You couldn't lose that without losing the coat itself.

6. Support Studio Ghibli by purchasing the licensed copy when it becomes available!

7. Get it in! Get it in there!

8. She went to give the purse woman her money back.

9. Her mail's been messed with?

网络丢包率用英语怎么说 网络丢包率英语翻译

10. That network is getting denser and denser by the day.

11. So maybe McNally comes in, distracts our guy, manager slips a couple of the dye packs into the bag when he's not looking.

译文:所以也许是McNally进来了 分散了他的注意力 经理趁他不备把染色包丢进他的包里了。

12. Don't know why they'd drop a bomb on this place.

13. - He threw the ball. He threw the ball. i'll get it.

网络丢包率用英语怎么说 网络丢包率英语翻译

14. Those pings are actually data packets that we're getting over the cell phone networks.

译文:实际上那些砰砰声是我们的数据包 我们通过手机网络获得的数据包 。

15. - Don't leave... don't leave me!

