时间:2023-01-07 12:10
召唤师通常被翻译为"summoner"的意思,还可以翻译为 Summoner,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到22个与召唤师相关的译文和例句。
1. Nonsense. Of course you did.
2. They are calling for the precious.
3. You sent for me, your grace?
4. Look, i'm not gonna... evoke?
5. Jesus calls you. Jesus calls you.
6. (Laughter) Your call. Your call.
7. - You summoned me, Holiness?
8. - Who did he call to battle?
9. By the fire... ..and the stone...
10. - Call a meeting of the nobles.
11. "You see, i've got a higher calling.
12. And what do you want from us?
13. - Yes, Caesar. Well, summon him again.
14. The Southern Ocean beckons.
15. But monarchies are constantly commanding me to call