时间:2023-01-07 12:00
齿科的英语是"dentistry -",还网络中常译为" Dentistry",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到89个与齿科相关的释义和例句。
ARRAIL DENTAL Arrail ( 瑞尔齿科 )
Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo MedicalDental University TMDU TOKYO MED & DENT UNIV ( 东京医科齿科大学 )
KOWA DENTAL KOWA wwwkowa-dentalnet ( 科瓦齿科 )
dental laboratory lathe ( 齿科技工打磨机 )
gasoline air blowpipe apparatus ( 齿科技工熔金器 )
1. i wouldn't know. Sabres don't feel fear.
2. i have a degree in odontology.
3. "commensal rodents," which means that term means literally sharing the table.
4. You go on the set one day and there's, like, a bunch of girls walking around topless.
1987属兔一生劫数 八七年的兔劫难解析
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