牛顿三定律用英语怎么说 牛顿三定律英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 11:10

导读:牛顿三定律的英语为"  Newton's laws of motion",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到30个与牛顿三定律相关的短语释义和例句。

牛顿三定律用英语怎么说 牛顿三定律英语翻译

牛顿三定律的英语为"  Newton's laws of motion",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到30个与牛顿三定律相关的短语释义和例句。

2. Newton's third law( 牛顿第三定律;牛顿第三运动定律)

牛顿三定律用英语怎么说 牛顿三定律英语翻译

1. Newton was elegant, yes, but then certain principles came along... and changed everything.

译文:牛顿定律是简洁的,但是确定原则在向前发展 而且在改变一切。

2. i understand the rules of the three worlds.

3. it's the Newton's laws, if you want, of particle physics.

4. Damn busy day. Hmm, where are they?

牛顿三定律用英语怎么说 牛顿三定律英语翻译

5. i've seen green blood before, but only from bodies in advanced stages of decomp.

译文:如果牛顿错了,那么行星怎么存在的? 别忘了,牛顿定律的成功。

6. The dude has three, all right?

7. By using Newton's law on the problem, we see that speed is the most important factor.

译文:依据牛顿定律, 我们可知 - - 最重要的因素是 速度。

牛顿三定律用英语怎么说 牛顿三定律英语翻译

8. Who used the Newtonian treatment of accretion?

9. Mr. Newton? - Nathan Bryce.

10. Bullshit. Cam Newton's law of gravity is:

11. So here is Ashdown's third law.

12. He outlined his three laws of motion in Principia Mathematica. - Who is Galileo?

牛顿三定律用英语怎么说 牛顿三定律英语翻译

13. i say here that Newton did a lot of things that year: gravity, the laws of motion, the calculus, white light composed of all the colors of the rainbow.

译文:那xx年牛顿做出了很多贡献: 万有引力定律,牛顿运动定律,微积分,并发现白光是由类似彩虹的不同颜色的光组成的。。

14. Galileo... isaac Newton...

15. And then, Newton proposed the theory of universal gravitation, demonstrating that all objects are pulling on each other.

