时或用英语怎么说 时或的英语翻译

时间:2023-01-07 11:10

导读:时或的英语是"  between whiles",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与时或相关的释义和例句。

时或用英语怎么说 时或的英语翻译

时或的英语是"  between whiles",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与时或相关的释义和例句。

3. pencil something in(用铅笔填入; (暂时或姑且)安排; 预测; 记下)

时或用英语怎么说 时或的英语翻译

4. Caledonia(加勒多尼亚 苏格兰之古时或诗中的别名)

5. times of day(钟表上的时刻;当时或当前的情况;最新的花样;风尚;当日时间)

Immediate-or-Cancel ( 实时或取消 )

fashionable modern ( 适合现时或表现现时 )

Immediate-or-Cancel ( 即时或取消 )

DWORD dwLayerMask DWORD dwDamageMask BYTE iLayerType ( 过时或忽略 )

Maybe then--maybe then ( 或许那时)

Asynchronous Written Communication ( 时或称延时交流 )

1. Perhaps not at 11, but let's see if you still feel the same way at 18.

译文:xx岁时或许会这么想 等你xx岁时看看你是不是还这么想吧。

时或用英语怎么说 时或的英语翻译

2. Half a day maybe. You trust him?

3. Patterns that could tell us when or where the next pandemic might strike.

译文:可以告诉我们何时或何地 下一场流行病毒可能发生的规律。 。

4. You just don't remember when or where.

5. i think Oz is gonna be out for a good half-hour, 45 minutes, Jill.

时或用英语怎么说 时或的英语翻译

6. if you sleep around about five hours or less every night, then you have a 50 percent likelihood of being obese.

译文:如果你每晚只睡5个小时或更少, 那么你有 50%超重的可能性。 。

7. You came to us rich and you came to us poor.

8. Sometimes you do it when you load up, other times, right before you jump.

9. She goes hence from us not so physically new.

时或用英语怎么说 时或的英语翻译

10. i'll leave you for an hour or so.

11. Then you come on back and i'll show you a few things.

12. Can't tell me where or when.

13. i'll go, i'll do 20 hour days, 22 hour days...

14. While much of this history is disastrous and at times horrifying, the purpose of this film is to encourage reconciliation.

译文:虽然这段历史充满灾难 恐惧无时或已 我们仍希冀通过本片促进两国之间的和解。

15. i'm sick and tired of the gambling, the guns, bailing you outa jail, never knowing when or if you're gonna come home.

