时间:2022-12-31 06:10
例句:A borrower from a loan shark... isn't any better
翻译:跟放高利贷借钱的人 也好不到哪儿去。
例句:Unfortunately, since the borrower disappeared, you as the guarantor must pay for it.
翻译:很遗憾 由于借款人跑了 这笔债务要由保证人你来负责还。
例句:The borrower borrows 3 million yen today and pay 250 thousand yen interest every month.
例句:Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
翻译:不要向人告贷 也不要借钱给人。
borrower一般作为名词使用,如在foreign borrowers(外国借款人)、intending borrower(拟借款人)、marginal borrower([经] 边际借款人)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. The borrower borrows 3 million yen today and pay 250 thousand yen interest every month.
2. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
翻译:不要向人告贷 也不要借钱给人。
3. The bank gets to conjure into existence the amount of the loan and just write it into the borrower's account.
翻译:面对这个签名银行需要做什么呢? 银行可以施展魔法变出这个贷款的金额。
4. The borrower is servant to the lender.
5. At a 9:1 reserve ratio, the new bank's reserve at the central bank, also known as "high-powered money", allows it to legally conjure into existence 9 times that amount, or $10,000 on the basis of the borrower's pledge of debt.
翻译:客户需要一万美元来买辆车 按照九比一的储备金比率 这个银行可以 合法凭空造出相当于存在中央银行储备金 (同时也被称为"高能货币") 九倍的钱 也就是一万美元 其根据就是借贷人偿还贷款的承诺。
6. That was borrowed in the world by countries, 10 times as much as the next biggest borrower.
翻译:这些借款都是从外国手中得到 是上一个最大借款额的10倍。
7. This money the borrower exchanges for the bank's so-called loan.
8. Once the borrower signs the pledge of debt, the bank then balances the transaction by creating, with a few keystrokes on a computer, a matching debt of the bank to the borrower.
翻译:-欧文 -费雪 经济学家 作家 一旦借贷人在抵押保证上签了字 银行就开始执行交易。
9. Go not my horse the better, i must become a borrower of the night for a dark hour or twain.
翻译:否则尽管欺人的命运向我横眉怒目, 我也不把她的放在心上。。
10. And the borrower killed herself!
11. Without the document the borrower signed, the banker would have nothing to lend.
12. No, but i know the one about neither a borrower or a lender be.
13. And even more recently, by using loan fees to raise the required reserve from the borrower, banks have now found a way to circumvent reserve requirement limitations entirely.
翻译:(贷款手续费) 甚至在最近一段时间 由于使用了 提高贷款首付手续费来筹集储备金的方法。
14. Even my great-grandfather was a Borrower.
翻译:从爸爸的祖父那始 我们一直都是这样活过来的。
15. The borrower loses, the community loses and we lose.
翻译:Angelo Mozilo 全美金融CEO 借款人赔钱 社区赔钱 我们也在赔钱。