时间:2022-12-31 03:20
例句:So these are sort of in the same style as Ramon y Cajal.
翻译:某种程度上,这跟拉蒙 · 卡哈尔 所用的方式是一样的。 。
例句:Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts looked at Ramon y Cajal's drawing of visual cortex, which i'm showing here.
翻译:沃伦 · 麦卡洛克(Warren McCulloch)和 沃尔特 · 皮兹(Walter Pitts)看到了 拉蒙 · 卡哈尔所画的 大脑视觉皮层, 就是我给你们看的这个。 。
例句:So Ramon y Cajal was a little bit ahead of his time, and progress on understanding the brain proceeded slowly over the next few decades.
翻译:显然,拉蒙 · 卡哈尔 有一点超前于他的时代, 接下来的几xx年间 人们对大脑的理解进展非常缓慢。 。
例句:We're still more than a century later, trying to finish the job that Ramon y Cajal started.
翻译:一个多世纪后的我们,仍然在继续 尝试完成拉蒙 · 卡哈尔开启的事业。 。
cajal一般作为名词使用,如在Ramon y Cajal([网络] 卡哈尔;卡哈尔计画;神经解剖学家)、ramon y cajals([网络] 卡哈尔;卡哈尔计画;神经解剖学家\n(ramon y cajal 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。
1. So Ramon y Cajal was a little bit ahead of his time, and progress on understanding the brain proceeded slowly over the next few decades.
翻译:显然,拉蒙 · 卡哈尔 有一点超前于他的时代, 接下来的几xx年间 人们对大脑的理解进展非常缓慢。 。
2. We're still more than a century later, trying to finish the job that Ramon y Cajal started.
翻译:一个多世纪后的我们,仍然在继续 尝试完成拉蒙 · 卡哈尔开启的事业。 。
3. And very quickly Cajal realized that neurons don't operate alone, but rather make connections with others that form circuits just like in a computer.
翻译:卡哈尔很快意识到 神经元不是单独工作的 而是与其它神经元互相连接 形成像电脑一样的电路 。
4. - Manuela, Ramon y Cajal Hospital. - Yes.
翻译:我是蓝卡医院的曼妞拉 请讲。
5. Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramon y Cajal, who's widely considered the father of modern neuroscience, applied this Golgi stain, which yields data which looks like this, and really gave us the modern notion of the nerve cell, the neuron.
翻译:西班牙神经解剖学家圣地亚哥·拉蒙-卡哈尔 被普遍认为是现代神经科学之父 他用高尔基染色法展示了这样的图像 这给了我们神经细胞,神经元的现代概念 。
6. But in many ways, these microanatomical drawings of Ramon y Cajal's, like this one, they're still in some ways unsurpassed.
翻译:但是在许多方面 拉蒙 · 卡哈尔的神经解剖学 绘画,比如这一张, 从某些方面来说是很卓越的。 。
7. i also would like sections of the nerve tissue stained with both nissl and cajal gold preparations.
翻译:我还要部分的神经组织用 NlSSL与CAJAL GOLD处理染色。
8. This is Lola, at Ramon y Cajal. Yes?
翻译:我是蓝卡医院的骆丽 请讲。
9. i did some research and found out that Santiago Ramon y Cajal, the father of modern neuroscience, did lots of hand drawings of brain cells.
翻译:我查到现代神经科学之父 Santiago Ramony Cajal 手绘过许多脑细胞图。