时间:2022-12-31 00:40
例句:God Almighty, give us a library of Babylonian clay tablets the likes that the Germans have excavated in Mesopotamia.
翻译:万能的金子 给了我们巴比伦居民的泥瓦片的图书馆 就像德国人发掘美索不达米亚那样。
例句:The Babylonian cylinder is written by the priests of the great god of Bablyon, Marduk.
翻译:圆柱上的巴比伦语 是由信奉巴比伦的马杜克的 祭祀写就的 。
babylonian一般作为形容词使用,如在Old Babylonian([网络] 旧巴比伦)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. And that change, that great historic moment, was made possible by Cyrus, the king of Persia, reported for us in Hebrew in scripture and in Babylonian in clay.
翻译:那次改变 那个伟大的历史时刻 是由波斯国王赛鲁士实现的 这一切在希伯来圣经中都有记载 也用巴比伦语刻在赛鲁士圆柱上。
2. After Egyptian and Babylonian, there followed probably a sample of proto-Elamite and one of Sumerian.
翻译:埃及语,然后是巴比伦语 接下来,很可能是古埃兰语 (埃兰: 早期的文明)。
3. And this is a roots saying kinda, if you wanna come round Rasta, then you have to throw away those Babylonian things.
翻译:这条规则规定: 如果你想成为一个拉斯塔 那么你不得不放弃 事情从巴比伦。。
4. He turns the "Babylonian Whore" into a Virgin."
5. News of his betrayal has reached the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar.
翻译:叛变的消息传到了 巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒耳朵里。
6. "Pacification of the Babylonian provinces."
7. That's Egyptian, Mayan, Sumerian, Babylonian.
翻译:ê琌 甁の皑懂默ぺゑ。
8. The fact that this decree is in Babylonian says one thing.
翻译:其实巴比伦语版本的法令说明了这一点 。
9. in ringing Babylonian -- it was written in Babylonian -- he says, "i am Cyrus, king of all the universe, the great king, the powerful king, king of Babylon, king of the four quarters of the world."
翻译:在包围巴比伦时 有巴比伦语这样写道 他说:“我是赛鲁士,是整个宇宙的王 我是伟大的国王,是强盛的国王 我是巴比伦的国王,是世界之王“。
10. it turns out that the women that she gives readings for were all Babylonian princesses, or something like that.
翻译:结果那些听她瞎掰扯的女人, 都成了古巴比伦的公主, 或者有类似的显赫身世。。
11. Well, a couple of bottles of that and we'll be speaking Babylonian.
翻译:好吧 先喝上两杯再讨论巴比伦人。
12. To quote the Babylonian Talmud,
13. A rare and obscure one from babylonian times named aghoul.
翻译:一个罕见而令人费解的1 从巴比伦时代 aghoul命名。。
14. if we brought them the F91 they'd probably make us Babylonian citizens.
15. Babylonian, Baal, Egyptian...
翻译:巴比伦人 巴力 埃及人...。
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