时间:2022-12-30 23:20
例句:So Erwin Schrodinger, a great quantum physicist and, i think, philosopher, points out how you have to "abide by ignorance for an indefinite period" of time.
翻译:埃尔温 · 薛定谔是伟大的量子物理学家。 我认为他也是哲学家。他指出你需要不懈地 “保持永久无限期的无知” 。
例句:And Dr. Terry Erwin, in 1983, called the canopy, "the last biotic frontier."
翻译:在xx年,特里.欧文 称林冠为“最后的生物防线” 。
例句:Erwin Freundlich, are you trying to seduce me? "
翻译:欧文·弗罗因德利希 你是在引诱我吗。
例句:Erwin... The first wave will come from the east. They're almost here.
翻译:艾尔文 最先来的是东边 马上攻过来了。
erwin一般作为名词使用,如在genus Erwinia([网络] 欧文氏菌属)、genus erwinias([网络] 欧文氏菌属\n(genus erwinia 的复数))、erwin chargaff(查加夫;夏盖夫 {奥语发音})等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Erwin Freundlich, are you trying to seduce me? "
翻译:欧文·弗罗因德利希 你是在引诱我吗。
2. Erwin... The first wave will come from the east. They're almost here.
翻译:艾尔文 最先来的是东边 马上攻过来了。
3. From then on, we'll have to rely on Commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation.
翻译:我们所能依靠的 只有艾尔文团长设计的长距离搜索阵形。
4. He was taken in to the Recon Corps under Commander Erwin's hands.
翻译:不过听说他是以艾尔文团长手下的形式 被带进了调查军团的。
5. Preferably to Commander Erwin alone—
6. This is the beginning of a 2,600-year journey we're going to take together from the ancient Greeks through isaac Newton to Niels Bohr to Erwin Schrodinger to the Dutch researchers that Leonard is currently ripping off.
翻译:这是我们即将学习的 xx年历程的开端 从古希腊到牛顿到玻尔 到薛定谔到荷兰学者 也就是Leonard现在研究的。
7. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel returns to his headquarters from an inspection tour of his embattled Normandy front.
翻译:埃尔文・隆美尔元帅 结束了对诺曼底前线的视察 正在返回指挥部的路上。
8. But the French also leff it relatively unguarded, as one panzer commander, Erwin Rommel, soon found out.
翻译:但法国人也让此坝处于 相对无人防守的状态, 就如一位(德国)装甲指挥官, 欧文·隆美尔很快就发现的那样。
9. One month later, the Scout Regiment, led by Erwin Smith, left Calaneth District to establish a route to Shiganshina, which is believed to house a secret of the Titans.
翻译:一个月后 艾尔文・史密斯所率领的调查兵团 为了探索 通向藏有巨人秘密的希干希纳区的路线。
10. This quantum weirdness was first described by Erwin Schrodinger and his cat.
翻译:这种量子力学的奇特现象最早由 欧文 薛定谔和他的猫提出。
11. Commander Erwin is quite the guy.
12. Erwin, not everyone has the aptitude to be a blacksmith.
翻译:Erwin, 没人生下来就想当铁匠。
13. Mileva, Erwin has been released in exchange for Russian prisoners.
翻译:米列娃 欧文被释放了 用俄罗斯犯人做交换。
14. Erwin, over here. Joe, pour the champagne.
15. All right. And Erwin, be careful.