时间:2022-12-30 21:10
例句:What you need to worry about is countering the mountain effect.
1. Well, what about countering with atropine?
2. So in 2016, we partnered with Moonshot CVE to pilot a new approach to countering radicalization called the "Redirect Method."
翻译:所以在xx年,我们与 Moonshot CVE合作, 试着采用新方案打击激进主义, 该方法名叫“重新定向法。” 。
3. - To be Frank, Mr. Litt, this number's so low, we won't even be countering.
翻译:坦白说 利特先生 价格太低了。
4. One of the big things about countering terrorism is, how do you perceive it?
翻译:反恐的一大问题是 你怎样看待 。
5. Preventing is very different than countering, and actually, you can think of it in medical terms.
翻译:预防和反击很不一样, 而事实上,你可以用 医学概念来思考它。 。
6. He's countering every move Sweets makes.
7. This new computer, built to become the nerve center of a defense network, is able to perform all the complex mathematical problems involved in countering a mass enemy raid.
翻译:这个新型的电脑 将会成为我们这个防御系统的中枢神经 能够演算各种复杂的电脑运算 包括可以预计敌规模的袭击。
8. A right-hand lead, where you throw your right without countering, you throw it first, like a jab.
翻译:右直拳是没有身体接触就先出拳 A right -hand lead, where you throw your right without countering, 一般拳手会先掷出刺拳 you throw it first, like a jab.。
9. i'd like the opportunity to present you with a detailed proposal countering the Chinese demands.
翻译:我想给你一份应对中方要求的 具体提议。
10. Agent Bristow and i were effectively countering SD-6 before Derevko turned herself in, and i stand behind whatever she decides.
翻译:在杜兰夫科自首之前 布里斯托特工和我都非常反对SD -6。
11. What about countering with atropine and PAM-2?
12. We have our people out there countering all this anti-NFFA bullshit.
13. Morse is gonna raise your offer, pal. He's countering?