时间:2022-12-30 18:00
例句:How about this quality handcrafted tea set?
例句:Handcrafted by Jacques of San Francisco.
例句:in those early days of the Final Solution, it was handcrafted brutality; people were beaten to death and their bodies tossed into the river.
翻译:在集中营就要解放之前,情况非常的惨不忍睹-- 那些被捉的人被活生生的打死,尸体直接丢到多瑙河里-- 。
例句:Handcrafted in darkness by the children of the Chabert Home for the Blind.
翻译:通过手工在黑暗中 在查伯特的孩子 首页盲人。。
1. in those early days of the Final Solution, it was handcrafted brutality; people were beaten to death and their bodies tossed into the river.
翻译:在集中营就要解放之前,情况非常的惨不忍睹-- 那些被捉的人被活生生的打死,尸体直接丢到多瑙河里-- 。
2. Handcrafted in darkness by the children of the Chabert Home for the Blind.
翻译:通过手工在黑暗中 在查伯特的孩子 首页盲人。。
3. i mean, i'm not sure handcrafted tuscan wood carvings are really gonna save the day.
翻译:我可不认为雕块木头 就能解决问题。
4. And i got 60 pieces out of it for my school because i felt that welfare moms and ex-steel workers and single parents deserved to come to a school where there was handcrafted furniture that greeted them every day.
翻译:他的定制家具中有60件是我为我的学校订作的。 因为我觉得福利母亲、失业者 和单身妈妈都愿意去一所 有些手工家具每天欢迎他们的学校 。
5. This is really a hard day for him because they used to make handcrafted cards together.
翻译:他今天肯定很难受 以往他们都会一起做手工贺卡。
6. That's our library with more handcrafted furniture.
翻译:那个是我们的图书馆,有更多的手工家具, 。
7. i paid $25 to some kid on eBay for a handcrafted Harry Potter wand.
翻译:我花了二十五块跟易趣上一个小孩 I paid $25 to some kid on eBay 买了这根手工制作的哈利・波特魔杖 for a handcrafted Harry Potter wand.。
8. That's our library with more handcrafted furniture.
9. A handcrafted shoe polisher.
10. in those early days of the Final Solution, it was handcrafted brutality; people were beaten to death and their bodies tossed into the river.
翻译:在集中营就要解放之前,情况非常的惨不忍睹-- 那些被捉的人被活生生的打死,尸体直接丢到多瑙河里--。
11. it has a delicate trigger, and smoothest discharge. it is so precise, it's as if God handcrafted it himself.
12. And i got 60 pieces out of it for my school because i felt that welfare moms and ex-steel workers and single parents deserved to come to a school where there was handcrafted furniture that greeted them every day.
翻译:他的定制家具中有60件是我为我的学校订作的。 因为我觉得福利母亲、失业者 和单身妈妈都愿意去一所 有些手工家具每天欢迎他们的学校。