repurposed是什么意思 repurposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-30 18:00


repurposed是什么意思 repurposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:And in its place, we're building food computers from abandoned, salvaged and repurposed materials, turning today's waste into tomorrow's dinner.

翻译:在它的空间里, 我们正在从废弃的、回收的 和改造的材料中建造食物电脑, 把今天的废品变成明天的晚餐。 。



例句:Each of us has a dream when we come here, a dream that usually has to be rewritten and always has to be repurposed.

repurposed是什么意思 repurposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:我们每个人都心怀梦想来到, 一个通常会被改变 和不断调整的梦想。 。





1. Pirate crews... repurposed as merchant shippers and showing profits.

翻译:变成了商船 带来了收益。

2. Now we're learning about all these new molecular pathways -- some of those could be repositioned or repurposed, or whatever word you want to use, for new applications, basically teaching old drugs new tricks.

翻译:现在我们来看看这些新的分子途径—— 有些能被重新定位或被重新利用 不管你想用什么词来定义它,总之进行各种新的应用 基本上是旧药新用。 。

3. These devices can no longer meet our storage needs, although some of them can be repurposed.

翻译:这些设备已经不能再 满足我们的存储需求了, 虽然它们有些可以被改作其他用途。 。

4. in the next five years, we aspire to build an india where 100 percent of discarded plastics are recycled and repurposed scientifically -- where plastic waste no longer threatens our water bodies, and the very survival of our terrestrial and marine life.

repurposed是什么意思 repurposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:在未来xx年, 我们致力于打造一个 有能力 100% 科学地回收 并改造废弃塑料的 印度。 在那里,塑料废品不再 威胁我们的水体, 以及我们陆地和海洋生物的生存。 。

5. Your security detail has been repurposed, Howard.

翻译:您的保镖有了新任务 霍华德。

6. We've repurposed it to discover and study asteroids.

翻译:我们重新改造让它开始寻找并研究小行星。 。

7. We've repurposed 26 acres of active car lanes and turned them into new pedestrian space.

翻译:我们将26英亩的在用车行道 改造为新的步行广场 。

8. i found this homestead abandoned, repurposed its mill for my needs.

翻译:我发现了这个破房子 修了准备自己用。

9. i repurposed that software firewall you invented

repurposed是什么意思 repurposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


10. These are all sort of repurposed other products, or whatever.


11. So we repurposed touch screen point-of-sale terminals that are meant for retail shops to become clinical workstations.

翻译:所以我们把 触屏的点终端机, 就是在零售店里用的那种, 改成了医疗工作站。 。

repurposed是什么意思 repurposed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

12. So people from Laventille repurposed the old drums left behind into the full chromatic scale: the steel pan.

翻译:于是,拉芬蒂勒人将这些被遗留下来的 旧油桶重新使用, 用在整个伴音音阶上: 钢鼓就诞生了。 。

13. Pulling in splintered anatomy, reimagined historical scenes, and skulls transplanted from classical still-lives, Basquiat repurposed both present day experiences and art history into an inventive visual language.

翻译:融合了解剖学和历史镜头的重现, 还有从长盛不衰的经典作品中 “移植”下来的骷髅, 巴斯奎特将当代生活经历与艺术史 化为一种别具一格的视觉语言。 。

14. it's medical hardware that's been repurposed as art.

翻译:医疗器械在艺术中被重现了。 。

15. These are all sort of repurposed other products, or whatever.

翻译:大多是废物利用 。

