时间:2022-12-30 18:00
例句:And when i talk to millennials, i get a very different reaction.
翻译:当我和千禧一代交谈时, 我得到了一个非常不同的反应。 。
例句:There are some millennials, for instance, who think the whole business is just sordid.
翻译:例如,00后中新一代中, 很多人认为整个政界都是肮脏的, 。
例句:Millennials, they support gender equality.
翻译:千禧一代,他们支持性别平等。 。
例句:And what do the millennials feel?
翻译:千禧一代的内心有哪些感受? 。
1. Millennials, they support gender equality.
翻译:千禧一代,他们支持性别平等。 。
2. And what do the millennials feel?
翻译:千禧一代的内心有哪些感受? 。
3. So we, the millennials -- i am just a millennial -- are like foot soldiers, moving us from a culture of "me" to a culture of "we."
翻译:那么新千年一代人,我也是新千年一代人中的一名, 我们就像步兵一样, 从我的文化转变为我们的文化。。
4. There are definitely black millennials who are succeeding.
翻译:千禧一代的黑人青年里 的确有成功人士。 。
5. We're preparing for this wave of millennials to come to work.
翻译:我们正在准备迎接 一千禧一代进入职场。 。
6. With almost five times the amount of American millennials, Chinese millennials are an enormous labor pool.
翻译:五倍于这个人数, 中国千禧一代则是 一个庞大的劳动力资源。 。
7. i fancied myself a modern Margaret Mead amongst the millennials, and i quickly learned that i had as much to offer them as they did to me.
翻译:我把自己想象成这群 千禧一代中的玛格丽特 · 米德, 很快就发现我能提供给他们很多东西, 就像他们刷新了我的认知一样。 。
8. According to a 2017 survey from Labbrand, 86 percent of Chinese millennials use mobile payment in physical shops at least once a week, versus 45 percent for American millennials.
翻译:朗标咨询公司在xx年的 一份调查报告中指出, 86%的中国千禧一代每周至少用手机 在实体店消费一次, 这个数字在是45%。 。
9. (Laughter) Do you know how many American millennials you have today?
翻译:(笑声) 你们知道如今在 有多少千禧一代吗? 。
10. Forty-one percent of millennials who have a side hustle say they've shared this information with their employers.
翻译:41%有副业的千禧一代说, 他们的雇主知道自己有副业。 。
11. i've been talking to the Boomers, who are their bosses, and i go, "What do you think about the millennials?"
翻译:我跟许多婴儿潮时代出生的人谈过, 他们现在是千禧一代的老板,我问, “你们是怎么看千禧一代的?” 。
12. (Laughter) He might look old; he's actually one of us millennials.
翻译:(笑声) 他年纪可能有些偏大; 但他也是千禧一代。 。
13. You know, there are millennials that say they never want to own a car.
翻译:你知道,有些千禧一代说 他们永远都不想买车。 。
14. So we, the millennials -- i am just a millennial -- are like foot soldiers, moving us from a culture of "me" to a culture of "we."
翻译:那么新千年一代人,我也是新千年一代人中的一名, 我们就像步兵一样, 从我的文化转变为我们的文化。 。
15. Millennials make up 27 percent of the world's population.
翻译:千禧一代占据世界人口的27%, 。