时间:2022-12-30 16:00
例句:"The trial, which has attracted citywide interest begins in civil court this morning at 9:30."
翻译:"这个轰动全城的诉讼... "将于今天上午9: 30在民事法庭开庭审理"。
例句:By 2010, i had also been asked by the Kresge Foundation and the city of Detroit to join them in leading a citywide planning process for the city to create a shared vision for its future.
翻译:在xx年,我承蒙克雷斯基基金会 和底特律市的邀请 来与他们一起领导一个城市规划项目, 为这座城市创造一个成果共享的未来。 。
例句:The mayor's office and lapd have issued a citywide tactical alert,
翻译:市长办公室和洛杉矶警局 已经发布了全城警戒。
例句:Hoping to catch a glimpse of their beloved leader, hundreds of people have thronged the Ballard Space Port - as citywide preparations are made
翻译:数百人涌至太空甲板上 等待大统领到达。
1. The mayor's office and lapd have issued a citywide tactical alert,
翻译:市长办公室和洛杉矶警局 已经发布了全城警戒。
2. Hoping to catch a glimpse of their beloved leader, hundreds of people have thronged the Ballard Space Port - as citywide preparations are made
翻译:数百人涌至太空甲板上 等待大统领到达。
3. We knew things were getting bad, but we never saw what was coming: an economic crisis, infrastructure breaking down, citywide electrical blackouts, the decline of public health care and shortage of medicines, disease outbreaks and starvation.
翻译:我们知道情况正在恶化, 却从未料想过这样的未来: 一场经济危机, 基础设施崩溃, 全市电力中断, 公共医疗的衰退 以及药品短缺, 还有疾病爆发和饥荒。 。
4. Hooked him up with her underground contacts to coordinate the citywide attack.
翻译:通过他联系到她的地下网络 来协调进行全市范围内的网络攻击。
5. We'll go citywide if we have to.
6. Lane is now the subject of a citywide manhunt.
7. The internet's out citywide.
8. Welcome to the Double Dutch Citywide Championship.
9. if word gets out, a citywide panic would be just as deadly as the plague itself.
翻译:如果走漏了风声 全城恐慌会和瘟疫本身一样致命。
10. Supervisor is a citywide office.
11. it's just after a special mayoral election, and word has gotten out that there is going to be this citywide planning process, which brings a lot of anxiety and fears among Detroiters.
翻译:那时特别市长选举刚刚结束, 而且有消息传出,这座城市 即将接受改造。 这让底特律居民 感到焦虑和恐慌。 。
12. Bill if we do not identify and track down everyone you have come in contact with, we are gonna have a citywide epidemic.
翻译:如果我们无法确认并找到 所有你接触过的人。
13. Residents are still being advised to remain vigilant while a citywide manhunt is in progress.
翻译:建议居民们继续保持警惕 全市范围内的搜索依然在进行。
14. As citywide protests have brought congressional committee hearings to a standstill, promising more gridlock in the days and weeks ahead.
翻译:全市的行动迫使国会委员会的听证会暂停 预计未来几天甚至数周内 市内交通不容乐观。
15. Police have declined to name the man they say is still at large, on a citywide rampage that has left one man dead, dozens injured, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage... in it's smoking, bloody wake.
翻译:一名男子造成全市性的大混乱 已有1人死亡,数十人受伤 并有数千美元的财产损失 警方拒绝透露该男子姓名 目前,该男子依然逍遥法外。