时间:2022-12-30 13:00
例句:Dr. Moore. Or whatever your name is.
翻译:Moore医生 或者 不管你是谁。
例句:So, my guess is, it's Senator Judith Moore.
翻译:我猜应该是Judith Moore议员 So, my guess is, it's Senator Judith Moore.。
moore一般作为名词使用,如在dictyoline griffthii moore(经蕨)、dip moored mine([倾斜下降量]系留水雷)、Douglas Moore([网络] 摩尔;穆得志)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. One fatality, Jessica Moore, your girlfriend.
翻译:烧死了 Jessica Moore 你的女朋友。
2. Okay, so, Sergeant Moore... Mm-hmm.
翻译:好吗 说到Moore警官 嗯。
3. Atticus and i do our walking in Moore Park.
翻译:- 我和Atticus在Moore公园散步。
4. Morning Sunshine, Benjamin Moore.
翻译:早上好 Benjamin Moore。
5. Mr Moore, the Embassy is trying to help.
翻译:Mr Moore, 大使馆正试着帮你.。
6. Accused Moore, are you finished ?
翻译:被告Moore, 你结束了吗?。
7. i can certainly try, Mr Moore.
翻译:我能试试, Mr Moore.。
8. This is Robert Moore, yes.
9. ♪ you tear men down like Roger Moore ♪
翻译:♪You tear me down like Roger Moore♪。
10. i'm looking for Angelica- Moore. Angelica Moore.
11. You got this Roger Moore thing, huh?
翻译:{/an8}Roger Moore: 你以为你在演 "007" 啊? You got this Roger Moore thing, huh?。
12. And where is sir Thomas Moore?
翻译:那托马斯・莫尔爵士呢? And where is Sir Thomas more?。
13. About nine months, at which point i broke it off.
翻译:Moore 这种浪漫关系持续了多久?。
14. it's the filmmaker Mr. Michael Moore.
翻译:电影制片人Michael Moore先生。
15. - Nice to meet you, Miss Moore.
翻译:- 很高兴认识你 Moore。