时间:2022-12-30 12:50
例句:They canceled Democratic campaign rallies.
例句:For the working man, the rallies are about dignity and strength.
翻译:对工人来说 代表尊严和力量。
例句:This is what's gotten me through the last four years of pep rallies and cheer squads.
例句:By putting on black shirts and marching up and down in one of those rallies?
rallies一般作为名词使用,如在pep rallies(na. 鼓舞士气的)、rallies around(团结在......的周围)、rallies round(帮助\n支持\n扶持)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. This is what's gotten me through the last four years of pep rallies and cheer squads.
2. By putting on black shirts and marching up and down in one of those rallies?
3. in fact, he seemed like such a pretty boy lightweight that women called him "bombon," sweetie, at campaign rallies.
翻译:事实上,他看起来完全像是一个无足轻重的小人物 在竞选上 妇女们叫他夹心巧克力,亲爱的 。
4. She attends rallies all day long.
5. i love going to abortion rallies to pick up women.
6. "Would you like to come along to one of the rallies?" And Paul said, "Yeah, i'd love to."
翻译:有件小事 比较尴尬 大臣 Shall we say a slightembarrassment, Minister?。
7. And then i wanted to write something about one of his rallies, so i watched it a few times on YouTube.
翻译:然后我想要写一些 有关其中一次的文章 所以我在YouTube上看了几遍 这个的视频 。
8. Dr. Jim Cairns called the rallies a huge success.
翻译:吉姆科恩斯博士说这是一个 取得了伟大成功的。
9. The NSB had been holding rallies here in Lunteren for years, but now, for the first time, instead of protesting against the regime, they were its champions.
翻译:NSB已在卢特伦(荷兰中部城市) 举行了好几年的, 但现在,第一次,(NSB)非但没有向政权, 他们还成了它的拥护者。
10. There were even reports of racist epithets being thrown at some of the participants of the gay rights rallies that took place after the election.
翻译:在大选后, 更有甚者,报道称, 种族主义者,对同性恋权利参与者 谩骂连篇。 。
11. Getting people to organize-- rallies against Shoreham.
翻译:...... 而人们举办演示。 30,000过早会死于癌症。。
12. He sat through all of those speeches and neo-Nazi rallies in Europe... as he heard Jews vilified.
翻译:他参加了所有在欧洲的演说和... 就好像他听到了犹太人在恶意诽谤一样。
13. They have to go and have another one of their bloody rallies.
14. And we certainly assisted financially, but also guidance in organizing their rallies, their propaganda.
翻译:以各种方式支持教党 我们从经费上支持 同时也引导他们。
15. One of the men who should have been on the plane was Hitler's architect, the producer of the Nuremberg rallies, Albert Speer.
翻译:本该在飞机上的人之一是的宫廷建筑师, 纽伦堡(会场)的设计者,阿尔伯特·施佩尔。