时间:2022-12-30 12:40
例句:And we can then do the kinds of things that ecologists do on land, and do nearest neighbor distances.
翻译:然后就能和生态学家研究陆地生物一样(来研究海洋生物), 做最邻近搜索(NNS)。 。
例句:And that flow, that flow of life, from the very base up to the very top, is the flow that ecologists see.
翻译:这种生命的流动 从最底部流向最顶部, 是生态学家们关注的。。
例句:For me, the field of ecology has provided important insight, because ecologists don't just look at individual species on their own, they look at the relationships between living things and their environment.
翻译:对我而言,生态学正好 提供了我一个重要的设计感悟, 因为生态学本身不会 只关注单一生物, 而是关注生态体系内所有的生物 以及周遭环境彼此间的关系。 。
例句:But we biologists and ecologists had never tackled anything as complex as this.
翻译:而我们的生物学家和生态学家 从来没有尝试解决过这么复杂的事。。
1. For me, the field of ecology has provided important insight, because ecologists don't just look at individual species on their own, they look at the relationships between living things and their environment.
翻译:对我而言,生态学正好 提供了我一个重要的设计感悟, 因为生态学本身不会 只关注单一生物, 而是关注生态体系内所有的生物 以及周遭环境彼此间的关系。 。
2. But we biologists and ecologists had never tackled anything as complex as this.
翻译:而我们的生物学家和生态学家 从来没有尝试解决过这么复杂的事。。
3. But we biologists and ecologists had never tackled anything as complex as this.
翻译:而我们的生物学家和生态学家 从来没有尝试解决过这么复杂的事。 。
4. We also recognize that a lot of the products that we make -- those videos and so forth -- you know, they don't reach everybody, and so we've been fostering projects that reach people outside of academia, and outside of the choir that most ecologists preach to.
翻译:我们意识到我们的很多产品 像那些视频或其他 并不是所有人都能接触到的 所以我们一直在创建一个项目,可以让学科外的人 和生态学家的组织以外的人接触到。
5. Ecologists all over the world are used to being able to grab a pair of binoculars and go out and observe what their study creatures do each day.
翻译:世界各地的生态学家都习惯了 能拿起一副望远镜, 出去观察他们的研究对象 每天在做什么。 。
6. And we can then do the kinds of things that ecologists do on land, and do nearest neighbor distances.
翻译:然后就能和生态学家研究陆地生物一样(来研究海洋生物), 做最邻近搜索(NNS)。。
7. Form the ecologists point of view, maybe.
8. We also recognize that a lot of the products that we make -- those videos and so forth -- you know, they don't reach everybody, and so we've been fostering projects that reach people outside of academia, and outside of the choir that most ecologists preach to.
翻译:我们意识到我们的很多产品 像那些视频或其他 并不是所有人都能接触到的 所以我们一直在创建一个项目,可以让学科外的人 和生态学家的组织以外的人接触到 。
9. But microbial ecologists have desperately needed breakthroughs in technology, such as with this fast confocal, to make similar observations.
翻译:但微生物生态学家一直急切盼望 技术的突破, 例如这种快速共焦显微镜, 来做同样的观察。 。
10. There's that much more what ecologists call "primary production."
翻译:那么多生态学家称为 初级生产的工作在进行。 。
11. And that flow, that flow of life, from the very base up to the very top, is the flow that ecologists see.
翻译:这种生命的流动 从最底部流向最顶部, 是生态学家们关注的。 。