时间:2022-12-30 11:30
例句:Even in very small flowers, you can find... as many as 10 to 15 stamens.
翻译:即使是在很小的花里,你也可以找到... 10到15个花蕊。
例句:One after another, hundreds of individual florets produce pollen-covered stamens.
翻译:数以百计的小花 接二连三地 长出有花粉的雄蕊。
例句:in a matter of minutes, the flower's precious golden pollen squeezes from the stamens and begins to fall,
翻译:一会儿 花朵珍贵的金色花粉 从雄蕊中挣扎而出并从容下坠。
stamens一般作为名词使用,如在polyadelphous stamens(多体雄蕊)、tetradynamous stamens(四强雄蕊)、triadelphous stamens(三体雄蕊)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. in a matter of minutes, the flower's precious golden pollen squeezes from the stamens and begins to fall,
翻译:一会儿 花朵珍贵的金色花粉 从雄蕊中挣扎而出并从容下坠。
2. At the same time, it exposes the delicate stamens to waiting insects.
翻译:同时苦候多时的昆虫 也终于等到雄蕊见天日的一刻。
3. As these bees busily feed on nectar, they unwittingly brush against the stamens, collecting pollen, and then carry it from flower to flower.
翻译:忙碌吸食花蜜的蜜蜂 无意中收集了雄蕊上的花粉 再带到下一朵花去。
4. – The flowers... petals... stamens.
翻译:-这些花... 花瓣...。
5. Don't you know about stamens and pistils?
6. A tuning fork that resonates at exactly the pitch of Gustavia's bee will cause the stamens to vibrate.
翻译:音叉的振动频率 和半果树蜜蜂的完全一样 这能导致雄蕊的振动。
7. The flower petals fuse together, forming an insulated protective case around its stamens.
翻译:它的花瓣融合 在雄蕊外形成 有保护绝缘作用的外壳。
8. When the bat arrives, it stick its head into the flower to get the honey and as it does so and presses there, out from this hook, come the stamens and dab pollen on its back.
翻译:当蝙蝠到来时 会把头伸到花朵里采蜜 这样就会压到这里。