时间:2022-12-30 10:20
例句:The fragile rice had to be planted and transplanted several times.
例句:He altered this mouse so that it was genetically engineered to have skin that was less immunoreactive to human skin, put a polymer scaffolding of an ear under it and created an ear that could then be taken off the mouse and transplanted onto a human being.
翻译:他改造了这老鼠 所以它是被基因改造过的 有着更少排斥性的人类肌肤, 在它内部有着支撑耳朵的聚合脚手架 这创造出的耳朵能从老鼠体内取出 并移植给人类。 。
例句:And so i started a collaboration with this person, Michael Zasloff and Thomas Fishbein, to look at the microbes that colonized these ilea after they were transplanted into a recipient.
翻译:所以我开始和 Michael Zasloff 和 Thomas Fishbein 合作 观察回肠移植后微生物繁殖情况 。
transplanted一般作为名词使用,如在transplanted pox(移植痘)、transplanted tumor(移植瘤)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. And so i started a collaboration with this person, Michael Zasloff and Thomas Fishbein, to look at the microbes that colonized these ilea after they were transplanted into a recipient.
翻译:所以我开始和 Michael Zasloff 和 Thomas Fishbein 合作 观察回肠移植后微生物繁殖情况 。
2. And, interestingly, it's the transplanted eye he chose to cut out.
翻译:另外奇怪的是 他要挖出来的这只眼睛就是移植的那只。
3. i've transplanted myself into every single human being.
4. He altered this mouse so that it was genetically engineered to have skin that was less immunoreactive to human skin, put a polymer scaffolding of an ear under it and created an ear that could then be taken off the mouse and transplanted onto a human being.
翻译:他改造了这老鼠 所以它是被基因改造过的 有着更少排斥性的人类肌肤, 在它内部有着支撑耳朵的聚合脚手架 这创造出的耳朵能从老鼠体内取出 并移植给人类。。
5. Wouldn't it be better to see it transplanted into someone who has a better chance of survival?
翻译:将它移植给存活几率更大的人 是不是更好呢。
6. With her imagery of giant floating flowers, undulating landscapes, transplanted body parts and billowing clouds of demons, Kahlo has often been associated with Surrealism.
翻译:由于用到的意象 包括漂浮的巨型花朵, 起伏的景色、移植的身体部位 以及游荡的恶魔, 人们提到卡罗,常常将她 与超现实主义联系在一起。 。
7. is it possible to trace the donor of a transplanted organ?
8. And every year, 99.9 percent of the paddy is transplanted manually.
翻译:而且每年, 百分之99.9的稻谷是手工移植的。。
9. in the final stage, using RePet's cerebral syncording process all your pets thoughts, memories and instincts are transplanted via the optic nerve.
翻译:最后,利用我们的遗传基因技术... ...你的宠物的思想,记忆和本能... ...通过视神经被移植。
10. if your head had been accidentally amputated, and we transplanted a dog's head in its place, would that be "problem solved"?
翻译:要是你的脑袋意外被割掉了 我们把狗脑袋给你移植过去 你说"问题解决"了不?。
11. When the Romans transplanted Latin across Europe, French, Spanish, and italian were born.
翻译:当罗马帝国统治欧洲的时候, 取拉丁语代之的,法语,西班牙语, 意大利语也随之诞生了。 。
12. His kidney was removed by mistake and he'd like it back before it's transplanted.
翻译:他的肾脏不小心被摘走 他想赶在移植前拿回肾。
13. The rice that you ate in the lunch, and you will eat today, is transplanted by women bending in a very awkward posture, millions of them, every season, in the paddy season, when they transplant paddy with their feet in the water.
翻译:你们午餐吃的米饭,你今天将要吃的, 是妇女们弯着腰 摆成非常奇怪的姿势移植的, 成百上千万的妇女, 每一季,在谷季, 当他们移植稻谷时 他们是光着脚的。 。
14. They caused ventricular arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats, for several weeks after we transplanted them.
翻译:它们引起了室性心律失常 或不规则的心跳, 长达移植后几个星期之久。 。
15. How does that work, anyway? Once a heart's been transplanted, can it be reused?
翻译:一旦心脏被移植 还能重新用?。