时间:2022-12-30 09:00
例句:The list of missing celebrities and dignitaries has continued to grow in recent weeks, and world leaders are coming under increasing pressure to provide answers.
翻译:失踪的名流人数 The list of missing celebrities and dignitaries 在近几周内 持续上涨 has continued to grow in recent weeks, 各国被要求作出回复的压力日益增大 and world leaders are coming under increasing pressure to provide answers.。
例句:We have an excellent view of the landing area and the dignitaries who will be greeting the President as he arrives.
翻译:从我们的视角来看 着陆场看得很清楚 所有政界要人都会在 这里迎接总统的到来。
例句:Dignitaries from around the world have gathered.
例句:Party and government dignitaries... lead workers... farmers, teachers, and academics.
翻译:党和 劳模 农民、老师和学者。
1. Dignitaries from around the world have gathered.
2. Party and government dignitaries... lead workers... farmers, teachers, and academics.
翻译:党和 劳模 农民、老师和学者。
3. Security's gonna be tight. - There's gonna be a lot of foreign dignitaries there.
翻译:安保一定很严 会有很多外国要人到场。
4. Dignitaries from around the world are arriving now to witness the creation of a democracy that will undoubtedly change the political landscape of the entire region.
翻译:世界各地政要 都前来见证这个国家的诞生 其诞生无疑将改变整个地区的。
5. Among the dignitaries arriving, is the Chief of Security from China who flew in early this morning.
翻译:在到达的政要, 为保障行政来自中国 今天一大早谁在飞。。
6. The girls' parents are basically a who's who of CEOs, celebrities, foreign dignitaries.
翻译:女孩的家长们简直就是名人录 有CEO 明星 外国政要。
7. How much better would it be if the four dignitaries could just pitch a tent and hang out?
翻译:如果当年会谈的四巨头能在那儿 搭个帐篷现在情形会好到哪去?。
8. Elise Vogelsong welcomes foreign dignitaries to the annual Vogelsong Foundation dinner, wearing the renowned and priceless Vogelsong Medal.
翻译:Elise Vogelsong 迎接外国政要 参加年度Vogelsong基金晚宴。
9. She was meeting with dignitaries, traveling to different countries.
翻译:她跟见面 去不同国家出差。
10. All these foreign dignitaries, i'm guessing you're known up here.
翻译:硂瓣现璶讽い и瞦粄醚砀。
11. - it's bodyguards for visiting dignitaries.
翻译:- It's bodyguards for visiting dignitaries.。
12. i'm sure all your clients are movie stars, captains of industry, dignitaries.
翻译:我知道你的客户都是些影星 企业老板,达官贵人。
13. Always embarrassing myself in front of visiting dignitaries.
14. it looks like we have some academic dignitaries in the audience.
15. Entertains dignitaries, diplomats.