时间:2022-12-30 08:47
例句:it was a concussive blast.
例句:A nonlethal concussive device with a blast field of 170 degrees.
翻译:A nonlethal concussive device 震围达170度的范围 with a blast field of 170 degrees.。
例句:it was said to absorb the concussive force of the entire German Luftwaffe.
1. it was said to absorb the concussive force of the entire German Luftwaffe.
2. it won't dampen concussive force, but it does deflect the path of a metal bullet by up to four inches.
翻译:它不会减少冲击力 It won't dampen concussive force, 但确实可以让金属的外弹道 but it does deflect the path of a metal bullet 偏移多达十厘米 by up to four inches.。
3. The average concussive impact is 95 Gs.
翻译:平均的脑震荡的撞击力 是95克。。
4. [Concussive Force] "Starsky and Hutch"? Arguably, yes.
翻译:对。可以说是“警界双雄”场景。是的。 一场车祸。 。
5. "Concussive organ failure due to exposure to source and flying debris." Mulder, this man's already been autopsied.
翻译:爆炸碎片导致的震荡官衰竭 从尸体被包裹的方式看,有人验过尸。
6. The average concussive impact is 95 Gs.
翻译:平均的脑震荡的撞击力 是95克。 。
7. Have you spent a lot of time near artillery or loud concussive blasts?
翻译:你有没有做过炮兵 或是 受到长期大声的影响?。
8. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range.
翻译:一旦被惊扰 雷鼓龙就会发出惊天动地的咆哮 杀死可见范围内的所有人。
9. The slaps, the punches, the forearm, it is a unremitting storm of sub-concussive blows.
翻译:推搡 冲撞 肘击 他无时无刻不承受着这些持续性的打击。
10. Between that and the scar tissue on your kidneys the residual concussive damage to your brain tissue and the general scarred-over quality of your body...
翻译:除此之外,你肾脏上的瘢痕组织... 脑震荡遗留下来的脑组织创伤... 还有你全身上下这么多的伤疤...。
11. Now, theoretically, it could result in a concussive blast followed by a vacuum implosion.
翻译:理论上 它可以导致 Now, theoretically, it could result 一个震荡性爆炸引起的真空内爆 in a concussive blast followed by a vacuum implosion.。