时间:2022-12-30 08:10
例句:- This was my mom's broach.
翻译:- 这是我妈妈的饰针。
例句:No. She broke up with me before i could broach the subject.
翻译:She broke up with me before I could broach the subject.。
例句:i've been trying to broach a subject that preoccupies me, but my feelings are equaled only by my shyness.
翻译:我就想说一件事,它让我非常着迷 但是我是如此的害羞.。
例句:And i suggested that she try it on As a way to broach the subject with you.
翻译:и某刚刚 贺㎝酵酵硂ま。
broach一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Donaldson's broach([医] 唐纳逊氏拔髓针)、double D broach(双D形拉刀)、double semicircular broach([机] 双半圆拉刀)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. i've been trying to broach a subject that preoccupies me, but my feelings are equaled only by my shyness.
翻译:我就想说一件事,它让我非常着迷 但是我是如此的害羞.。
2. And i suggested that she try it on As a way to broach the subject with you.
翻译:и某刚刚 贺㎝酵酵硂ま。
3. You know what? i love your broach.
4. Sam Harris: Yeah, well i think i tried to broach this in a sentence, watching the clock ticking, but the question is: What is voluntary in a context where men have certain expectations, and you're guaranteed to be treated in a certain way if you don't veil yourself?
翻译:Sam Harris:让我一边看着秒针 一边尝试简短回答这个问题 真正的问题是 这真的是她们的个人意愿吗 在男人期待你戴上面罩 如果不戴就必须承受某种后果 的状况下? 。
5. The antique broach presented to Supreme MiMi DeLongpre on the night of the Great Ascension.
6. i wish to broach a rather delicate subject.
7. But we have a lot of work to do... before we even broach that subject.
翻译:但我们还有很多工作要做 才能开始进入正题。
8. Normally i wouldn't even broach this, but what do you think one of Will's strongest drives is?
翻译:是因为你对他有着学术上的好奇 {\3cH000000}because you have a professional curiosity. 但你认为威尔的主要动力是什么呢 {\3cH000000}but what do you think one of Will's strongest drives is?。
9. Mr. Curtis, i wish to, uh, broach a rather delicate matter.
翻译:寇蒂斯先生 我想跟你说一件 比较敏感的事。
10. You could sell a broach, your son... Duarto...
11. None of us would exist without it, and yet it remains an "embarrassing" subject to broach.
翻译:我们(女性)都会经历这件事情, 但是它却一直是 一个“令人羞辱”的事情。 。
12. A locket? A broach? A cross!
翻译:盒子 叉子 对 是十字架。
13. As the racers broach the forest, last years champ, Jean George, is in the lead, and little Adam Bilson trails the pack.
翻译:在选手们通过树林的当儿 去年的冠军 约翰・乔治领先了 而小亚当则在最后面尾随着。
14. We decided that we would wait until Henry was old enough to broach the subject.
翻译:我们打算等Henry长大了 - 再告诉他。
15. - Since the day i lost your broach.
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