时间:2022-12-30 08:15
例句:And where would they be without the steady support of your drumbeat?
翻译:没有鼓手 他们就不行吗。
例句:And beneath it all, the old drumbeat of injustice.
翻译:而在这一切的背后 是不义的古老鼓点。
例句:A drumbeat. A warrior's march.
翻译:鼓点声 行军声。
1. A drumbeat. A warrior's march.
翻译:鼓点声 行军声。
2. America has recently awakened to a steady drumbeat of unarmed black men being shot by the police.
翻译:刚刚意识到 持续发生的 赤手空拳的男性黑人 被枪击的事件。 。
3. it's a territorial drumbeat.
4. i just hear the drumbeat of endless war, and that doesn't make me an innie lover.
翻译:我只觉得这样的战争将永无休止 但那也不代表我不会去战斗。
5. is it any surprise that our world, marching to the drumbeat of GDP, is teetering on the brink of environmental disaster and filled with anger and conflict?
翻译:这有什么好惊讶的呢? 我们的世界正走在GDP的节奏上 在环境灾难的边缘摇摇欲坠 并且充满了愤怒和冲突 。
6. in the Kiowa village, the drumbeat echoes in the pulse of young braves.
翻译:在基奥瓦人的村庄里,鼓声 随着勇士的脉搏跳动而回响。
7. (repeated drumbeat of "V" in Morse code)
8. The drumbeat is calling from so far away.
9. The drumbeat continued today from both camps in the pitched battle over the president's nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.
翻译:今天两个阵营的鼓声持续 有关总统对罗伯特. 博克的官提名。
10. The drumbeat went on and on.
翻译:一直不断有人被害 The drumbeat went on and on.。
11. They're concerned with the quality of air and our water, the degradation caused by the rollback in environmental regulations, by religious and racial polarization, with the drumbeat of body bags coming from all over the globe.
翻译:选民关注空气和水的质量 由于环保法律的 以及和种族分化 导致空气和水源品质退化。
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