时间:2022-12-30 07:10
例句:Each morning, they wait for an event that happens as the day warms up.
例句:Had my eye on a farm in Tuscany, where the sun warms the skin.
翻译:我在托斯卡纳看管一个农场 整天沐浴在日光下。
例句:And in this snow it sure 'nuff warms your ass up.
翻译:And 在这种大雪天 你们一定会爽翻的 in this snow it sure 'nuff warms your ass up.。
例句:When i look at you, it warms me up right here.
翻译:When I look at you, it warms me up right here.。
warms一般作为名词使用,如在swarms of([网络] 大批)、swarms with(v. 充满着;拥挤着)、warms to(开始喜欢;同情;爱好)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. And in this snow it sure 'nuff warms your ass up.
翻译:And 在这种大雪天 你们一定会爽翻的 in this snow it sure 'nuff warms your ass up.。
2. When i look at you, it warms me up right here.
翻译:When I look at you, it warms me up right here.。
3. You disapprove of me... and that warms my cockles.
翻译:你有不同意见 这倒让我蠢蠢欲动了。
4. - "Shines. The sun--" - "Warms--"
翻译:-"照耀,太阳..." -"温暖了..."。
5. When he warms, we'll need thistle and bark.
翻译:等他暖过来了 我们需要喂他蓟以及根茎。
6. This wine warms my chest and belly.
7. As climate change warms the oceans, certain toxic algae species thrive.
翻译:随着气候变化让海洋变暖, 某些有毒藻类繁荣生长。 。
8. Well, i'm sure that warms the hearts of America.
翻译:所有人一定都很感动 狄...。
9. And as it warms, something else happens inside the flower at the base of the spire.
翻译:在它变热的同时 花内肉穗基部还有变化。
10. it warms them right up and it puts little smiles on their faces.
翻译:它还温暖他们的内心 让他们的脸上浮现出笑容。
11. That warms you up , doesn't it?
12. - it warms you up, doesn't it?
翻译:- 让你暖和 对吧?。
13. Then it warms still further, rises and escapes through vents of the top.
翻译:在这里逐渐变暖 上升并从顶部的通风口流出。
14. The bed detects that there is a child and automatically warms up.
15. But the entire planet warms up when there's a big El Nino.
翻译:但是当发生大型厄尔尼诺现象时,整个地球都会变暖。 。