时间:2022-12-30 05:40
例句:And here you can see the crossover event.
crossover一般作为名词使用,如在dimension crossover(维间跨接)、dimensional crossover(维度交错;因次交错)、dispatching crossover(调度渡线)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Kind of a, a power ballad, superhero crossover tale of epic proportions.
翻译:有点像是 Kind of a, 一种力量民谣 史诗角度来写的 a power ballad, superhero crossover tale 超级英雄对战 of epic proportions.。
2. Heck, you fried your timing crossover.
3. As much as i hate to be the one to break up this... tender moment, you've got until the stroke of midnight, or the crossover begins.
翻译:我真的很讨厌 停止这样的时刻。 你必须去在午夜 开始交叉。。
4. And the fact that the polar bear and husky or magpie and a bear or you and i and our dogs can crossover and have that experience sets play aside as something separate.
翻译:而事实是北极熊和哈士奇或喜鹊和一只熊 或你和我和我的狗可以交流拥有和其他 事物一样的玩耍的感觉。。
5. interestingly, it's done a crossover before, but not the crossovers that matter.
翻译:有趣的是,它们以前也交叉过, 但是那个交叉并不重要, 。
6. This crossover point starts to present really interesting challenges for global food security.
翻译:这个转折点将对全球粮食安全 带来非常有意思的挑战。 。
7. The Original Series "Trouble With Tribbles" crossover episode?
8. (Laughter) Just today, D.C. Comics announced the cover of our upcoming crossover.
翻译:(笑声) 今天,D.C.Comic公布了 我们新的封面。 。
9. This place does crossover parallel alternate realities, huh?
翻译:不同的时空 的确可以在这个地方交叉的。
10. - Yeah. i like very much, lines that, uh, crossover into the, uh...
翻译:嗯 我很喜欢那些交叉的线条。
11. Oh, and Tracy... that crossover move you do to your left, you're telegraphing it.
翻译:喔,特西... ... 那个你左手边的天桥上,。
12. Your kid still got that killer crossover dribble?
13. What if whoever designed this stinking thing somehow managed to create a place where parallel realities can crossover like that?
翻译:我说,如果我们设计了... 这样一种东西 然后把创造了这样一个地方 在那里平行的现实 就会像这样交错在一起。
14. The crossover, it's complete.
15. The Original Series "Trouble With Tribbles" crossover episode.