时间:2022-12-30 05:25
例句:And it also reinforces this idea of the gates.
翻译:同时她也满足了我们对出入口之间连通性要求. 。
例句:This new growth also reinforces the cell wall by going against the grain of the existing wall.
翻译:这一生长促使 对现有细胞壁纹理的抵触, 因此也强化了细胞壁。 。
例句:And seeing this reinforces, for me, that every one of us has at least one or two great photographs in them.
翻译:每当我看到这些作品总会更加认同这一观点 我们每个人一生中 都至少拍到一两张不错的照片。
例句:Each time it goes to the object, it reinforces that obsession or that annoyance.
1. And seeing this reinforces, for me, that every one of us has at least one or two great photographs in them.
翻译:每当我看到这些作品总会更加认同这一观点 我们每个人一生中 都至少拍到一两张不错的照片。
2. Each time it goes to the object, it reinforces that obsession or that annoyance.
3. And seeing this reinforces, for me, that every one of us has at least one or two great photographs in them.
翻译:每当我看到这些作品总会更加认同这一观点 我们每个人一生中 都至少拍到一两张不错的照片 。
4. No, emotions are designed so that it reinforces chemically... something into long-term memory.
翻译:不,情绪只是用来强化... 我们长期记忆里的某些化学反应。
5. if we are searching for an alliance that reinforces the Christian kingdoms
翻译:如果你要找的是一个 能够巩固卡斯蒂利亚国王王位的盟友。
6. Well, it certainly reinforces my theory.
7. is the evidence that reinforces your gut feeling.
8. So the notion of collaboration -- i think this reinforces how important that is.
翻译:回到前面说的合作的概念-- 我想这个例子更加印证了这个概念的重要性。。
9. if there is any proof to how malleable human thought is and how easily conditioned and guided people can become based on the nature of their environmental stimulus and what it reinforces:
翻译:如果有任何证据 对于锻造人类思想是如此轻易 以及诱导人们成为 所处环境下的条件产物 并借此而加强:。
10. And we also know that when we're invited to wear our natural hair in the workplace, it reinforces that we are uniquely valued and thus helps us to flourish and advance professionally.
翻译:我们也知道, 当我们被邀请在工作时梳我们的天生发型时, 这强调了我们的独特价值, 也因此帮助我们去提升我们的专业度。 。
11. The process is feeding on itself and becoming, i guess, autocatalytic is the word for it -- when something reinforces its rate of change.
翻译:这个过程是自给自足, 并且变成,我猜,应该自我催化描述更合适—— 当事物加快改变的速度。 。
12. But you offer him complicity, that reinforces him... in his refusal of any verbal communication.
翻译:可你还为虎作伥 让他变本加厉 拒绝进行任何口头沟通。
13. Each time it goes to the object, it reinforces that obsession or that annoyance.
翻译:越想就越不能自拔。 。
14. i'm not going to say that you can't sing that song, but if you are going to sing that song, i do need you to understand the extremely problematic gender construct that it reinforces."
翻译:我不是说你不能唱这首歌 但是如果你一定要唱,我需要你明白 它强化了极有问题的性别构架 。
15. in all of these examples, the underlying rhythm reinforces the basic one-two, but in different ways depending on arrangement and cultural context.
翻译:以上所有例子中的节奏, 本质上都是对基础一二拍的加强, 但由于组合和文化语境的差异, 加强方式有所不同。 。
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