时间:2022-12-30 05:20
例句:i'm worried that your hot ltalian blood might be leading you into an indiscretion.
翻译:我很担心你的意大利热血 会导致你言行轻率。
ltalian一般作为名词使用,如在Registro ltaliano([网络] 意大利船级社)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. i can try to learn ltalian next year.
2. [ltalian accent] No photos, please.
翻译:请勿拍照 别拍照。
3. Trevino. She was part ltalian. You know how they are.
翻译:特雷维诺 她有部分意大利血统 你别老盯着她问。
4. Maybe i could write about a woman who goes to italy to learn ltalian.
翻译:也许我可以写写一个去意大利 学意大利语的女人。
5. -That is not ltalian, and i do speak English.
翻译:这不是意大利语 还有我会说英语。
6. He says you can't learn ltalian like this.
7. i'm ltalian i love spaghetti i do too Me too i'll make some for you
翻译:我是义大利人嘛 我喜欢吃义大利粉 我也是我也是。
8. John, i'm here at Christopher Columbus Park in Newark... where this afternoon violence broke out briefly... between Native American demonstrators and members of a coalition... of 18 various ltalian-American pride organizations.
翻译:我正在纽瓦克的哥伦布公园 今天下午,短暂冲突发生在 的代表。
9. Famiglia... as my italian friends call it.
翻译:家庭(意大利语: Famiglia) 像我的意大利朋友说的 as my ltalian friends call it.。