时间:2022-12-30 05:15
例句:i see days, months, years change to eons.
例句:"The container was buried somewhere in the Middle East eons ago by... "
例句:imagine an evolution occurring over eons the attack tonight comes amid rising violence between insurgents and coalition troops throughout iraq.
翻译:想象一个持续了亿万年的进化... ...今晚的攻击在最近 跟反抗武装 激增的冲突中展开。
eons一般作为名词使用,如在hadean eons(冥古宙)、phanerozoic eons(显生代,显生宙)、precambrian eons([网络] 前寒武纪宙;之地质时代统称先寒武\n(precambrian eon 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。
1. imagine an evolution occurring over eons the attack tonight comes amid rising violence between insurgents and coalition troops throughout iraq.
翻译:想象一个持续了亿万年的进化... ...今晚的攻击在最近 跟反抗武装 激增的冲突中展开。
2. They used the known rate of growth of the nodules to date that layer and to connect it to the fate of a star that perished eons ago.
翻译:研究人员把已知的锰结核的生长速率 They used the known rate of growth of the nodules 和每层的生长时间联系起来 to date that layer and to connect it 就能知道亿万年前恒星灭亡的命运了 to the fate of a star that perished eons ago.。
3. Meanwhile, the trees just kept springing up, dying, falling over and getting buried by the mud that built up over eons.
翻译:与此同时 树不断地生长 Meanwhile, the trees just kept springing up, 死亡 倒下 dying, falling over 再由万年积累的泥土覆盖 and getting buried by the mud that built up over eons.。
4. Later, tectonic forces lifted the skeletal reef high above sea level, where it was eroded and sculpted over eons by wind and rain.
翻译:后来 构造作用力将骷髅般的岩礁推上海平面 Later, tectonic forces lifted the skeletal reef high above sea level, 于是它又被风雨侵蚀了无数年 where it was eroded and sculpted over eons by wind and rain.。
5. Just think of millenniums multiplied by eons compounded by time without end.
6. Through its design and sturdy construction, you'll have plenty of air for eons to come.
翻译:高级品味设计,坚固的结构... 未来的日子绝对不怕没有空气。
7. This is gonna sound crazy, but eons ago, these demons defied divine law and tried to take the place of the devil.
翻译:这听起来非常疯狂, 亿万年以前,这些恶魔无视神圣的法律 试图取代魔鬼的地位。
8. And even though the world goes on for eons and eons you are only here for a fraction of a fraction of a second.
翻译:即使世界年复xx年地转动... ...你也只是这一秒钟里极小的一块碎片。
9. And those changes have been affected by eons of ideas.
翻译:而这些变化来自于各种各样的观念。 。
10. ...and they will be here eons after you and i are long extinct, Detective.
翻译:它们会世世代代繁衍不息 And they will be here eons after 哪怕你我都已经灭亡 警探 you and I are long extinct, Detective.。
11. Hey, we've been talking about our little farm for eons, right?
12. Over the eons, the Earth acquired the water that had been a part of the asteroids, and that indeed makes up the mass of water that nearly covers the Earth today.
翻译:千秋万载, 地球接收了小行星的水 陆续聚成今天几近覆盖地球的水量。
13. i now wish to finish what i began eons ago, and for that, my Anti-spark requires a vessel.
翻译:而我也要开始我在亘古之前应成就之事 为此我的火种需要找一个容器。
翻译:由于亿万 我有个约会。
15. it lay there for eons before dealing life on Earth its most devastating blow of all time.
翻译:它们与世隔绝 深埋地下亿万年 It lay there for eons before dealing life on Earth 然后发生了有史以来最具毁灭性的爆发 its most devastating blow of all time.。