abject是什么意思 abject的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-30 05:05


abject是什么意思 abject的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:due to the trauma of your divorce, 10 years of abject failure in the movie business and a bump on the head you sustained as a child.

翻译:电影事业xx年的惨败 再加上小时候头部受过撞击 智力受到影响。



例句:"i sat there in abject silence,

abject是什么意思 abject的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:我坐着 害怕地沉默着 I sat there in abject silence,。



例句:i realized that i had been so immersed in the media coverage of Mexicans that they had become one thing in my mind, the abject immigrant.

翻译:我意识到我当时完全被沉浸在 媒体上关于墨西哥人的报道, 以致于他们在我的脑中幻化成一个单一的个体── 卑贱的移民。 。

abject是什么意思 abject的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


4.凄惨的 、厚颜的

例句:Yet, no matter how well John achieved, he always seemed to recast his successes as abject failures, and in meetings with me, he would talk openly about how he'd let himself and others down.

翻译:然而,不管约翰取得了多大的成绩, 他似乎总是把自己的 成就视为可悲的失败, 在与我交谈时, 他会公开谈论他是如何 令自己和他人失望的。 。





1. i realized that i had been so immersed in the media coverage of Mexicans that they had become one thing in my mind, the abject immigrant.

翻译:我意识到我当时完全被沉浸在 媒体上关于墨西哥人的报道, 以致于他们在我的脑中幻化成一个单一的个体── 卑贱的移民。 。

2. Yet, no matter how well John achieved, he always seemed to recast his successes as abject failures, and in meetings with me, he would talk openly about how he'd let himself and others down.

翻译:然而,不管约翰取得了多大的成绩, 他似乎总是把自己的 成就视为可悲的失败, 在与我交谈时, 他会公开谈论他是如何 令自己和他人失望的。 。

abject是什么意思 abject的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

3. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission.

翻译:无情而残忍的敌人 Our cruel and unrelenting enemy 或者卑鄙的选择投降 or the most abject submission.。

4. Abject only while you have power.

翻译:你有权力的时候 他们才是卑鄙的小人物。

5. Now, for many years, i thought this was a story of abject failure, but today i see it differently, because when i was attempting the world record, i was doing three things.

abject是什么意思 abject的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:此后很多年,我一直认为 这是一个关于悲惨失败的故事, 但是今天我对此有了另一种看法, 因为当我向世界纪录冲刺的时候, 我做着三件事。 。

6. God only knows what she's had to deal with in her life -- abject poverty, drugs, domestic violence, maybe even molestation.

翻译:天知道她承受了多少痛苦 穷困潦倒, , 家庭暴力 甚至是!。

7. Raskolnikov lives in abject poverty, and at the start of the story has run out of funds to continue his studies.

翻译:拉斯科尔尼科夫的生活穷困潦倒, 故事开头的他因 交不起学费而辍学。 。

8. i realized that i had been so immersed in the media coverage of Mexicans that they had become one thing in my mind, the abject immigrant.

翻译:我意识到我当时完全被沉浸在 媒体上关于墨西哥人的报道, 以致于他们在我的脑中幻化成一个单一的个体── 卑贱的移民。。

9. And i saw how splendor can illuminate even the most abject vulnerabilities.

翻译:我看到光彩如何照亮最不幸的脆弱之处 。

10. And the only foreseeable outcomes are triumph -- glorious triumph -- or abject, ignominious defeat.

翻译:而唯一可预见的结果 就是胜利,一场欢欣鼓舞的胜利,抑或是卑怯,可耻的失败。 。

11. i do not want your mother this abject


12. One billion people live in abject poverty.

翻译:或者住在应急帐篷中。看看左边,看看右边: 你们中的某人也许就会在那儿。 。

13. And they'll stand before God and family and some guy her dad once did business with, and they'll vow that nothing -- not abject poverty, not life-threatening illness, not complete and utter misery -- will ever put the tiniest damper on their eternal love and devotion.

翻译:他们在主和家人的见证下 还包括她父亲曾经的生意伙伴 他们发誓,无论何事 无论是一贫如洗 还是身患绝症 抑或是遭遇彻头彻尾的苦难 都丝毫不会影响 他们永恒的爱与忠诚 。

14. These children come from abject poverty.

翻译:他们是孩子 不是试验品 这些孩子都生活在极其贫困的地方。

15. Tell me, are you not piqued by your abject failure to ferret out this assassin?

翻译:告诉我,若找不到这个凶手 你不会感到挫败吗?。

