时间:2022-12-30 02:50
例句:The five lives outweigh one, even if achieving that outcome requires condemning someone to death.
翻译:五个人的生命总归大于一个人的生命, 即便是以牺牲一个人的生命为代价。 。
例句:You would be justified in condemning me.
例句:That's a shame. Okay, you can stop condemning me with your eyes. Right now.
翻译:那是个可耻的事 好了,你可以停止用你的眼睛谴责我了. 我知道你知道我的事。
1. That's a shame. Okay, you can stop condemning me with your eyes. Right now.
翻译:那是个可耻的事 好了,你可以停止用你的眼睛谴责我了. 我知道你知道我的事。
2. Lenard's latest, condemning general relativity as wild speculation, propped up by the Jewish press, signed by 19 physicists.
翻译:勒纳最近写的 谴责广义相对论是 由犹太出版社支持的 过度臆测。
3. There is no God condemning people.
翻译:因为是你做了这件或那件事。 没有判定人类有罪的上帝。。
4. Are these so bad that they outweigh condemning 100,000 people a day to an unnecessarily early death?
翻译:难道这些[修复老化的风险]如此糟糕, 比每天超过十万人面对早死的命运还糟糕? 。
5. And as to Crispus, Peter scolded him for condemning her love for you.
翻译:至于克里斯普斯,彼得已经责备过他了 因为他指责丽吉尔爱你。
6. Go on record defending S.H.i.E.L.D., condemning HYDRA?
翻译:公开支持神盾局 声讨海德拉?。
7. But, you know, before i get too far into condemning our ancestors, i thought i'd show you: this is my conference room.
翻译:但,在我过多讨论谴责我们先人之前 我觉得我要先给大家展示一下:这是我的会议室 。
8. That was a way of condemning and helping.
翻译:这既是批评 又是帮助。
9. We're condemning Audrey to death for nothing.
10. Are these so bad that they outweigh condemning 100,000 people a day to an unnecessarily early death?
翻译:难道这些[修复老化的风险]如此糟糕, 比每天超过十万人面对早死的命运还糟糕?。
11. We are condemning people to death based on phony expert testimony on junk science, on jailhouse snitches.
翻译:就凭那些所谓的砖家的证词 还有那些腐朽的科学 我们就可以夺走别人的生命。
12. if at first you don't succeed Made a statement condemning the act of violence.
翻译:因为第一次没成... ...发表申明反对暴力。
13. i propose a resolution condemning the spy and traitor Laszlo Rajk, unmasked by our Hungarian comrades.
翻译:我提议表决 给我们匈牙利同志揭发的 间谍和叛徒拉伊克判刑。
14. You'll only be condemning your own people.
15. i can tell you now that i will be condemning the scheme in no uncertain terms.