时间:2022-12-30 02:40
例句:Well, not likely. i mean, he knew how to speak, how to act, And his sartorial acumen...
翻译:not likely. 以及他对服饰的敏锐度 {\3cH202020}and his sartorial acumen...。
例句:And so, it was really those lessons that made me decide to build Acumen Fund about six years ago.
翻译:因此,那些教训迫使我在xx年前 建立起Acumen基金。 。
例句:And one in particular, is one that we're working on with the Acumen Fund, in a project that's been funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
翻译:其中一个案例就是正在与我们合作的Acumen基金会, 他们有一个Bill和Melinda盖茨基金会赞助的项目, 。
1. And one in particular, is one that we're working on with the Acumen Fund, in a project that's been funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
翻译:其中一个案例就是正在与我们合作的Acumen基金会, 他们有一个Bill和Melinda盖茨基金会赞助的项目, 。
2. And so it was that the women of Budrus went to the front lines day after day, using their creativity and acumen to overcome multiple obstacles they faced in a 10-month unarmed struggle.
翻译:也正是Budrus的女人们日复xx日地到前线 发挥她们的创造性和敏锐性 以克服她们在为期10个月的非武装斗争中面临的众多障碍 。
3. Raymond's not a politician. He relies on our political expertise as much as we rely on his business acumen.
翻译:Raymond不是政客 他依靠我们的专长。
4. And so with patient capital from Acumen and other organizations, loans and investments that will go the long term with them, they built a low-cost housing development, about an hour outside Nairobi central.
翻译:所以从Acumen或者其他组织来的耐心资本, 贷款和投资都是长期的, 他们建立了一个低成本住房发展项目, 离内罗毕中心有一个小时路程的距离。。
5. i can only talk from my own experience, but in eight years of running Acumen fund, i've seen the power of patient capital.
翻译:我只能从我自己的经历谈。 但是经过xx年运行安康盟基金的经验, 我已见识过耐心资本的力量。 。
6. One of the Acumen Fund fellows at my organization, Suraj Sudhakar, has what we call moral imagination -- the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes and lead from that perspective.
翻译:在Acumen Fund, 我们有一位伙伴, 他叫Suraj Sudhakar 我们都认为他有一种道德想象力 就是能够设身处地的为别人着想 并且由此出发去帮助别人。
7. The best team i ever led in my career was based on superpowers, and we even gave ourselves fancy-pantsy titles like "the Pillar of Masterly Acumen."
翻译:我在职业生涯中带过的最好的团队 就是基于各种超能力的, 甚至我们给自己起了各种 奇特花哨的头衔 像是“精湛敏锐的支持者”, 。
8. They have cultivated a brand of professionalism, business acumen and innovation.
翻译:他们培养出来的组织文化 包含了专业精神、商业智慧和创新 。
9. it certainly isn't for your acumen.
10. Did you get any sense of his business acumen?
11. And so, it was really those lessons that made me decide to build Acumen Fund about six years ago.
翻译:因此,那些教训迫使我在xx年前 建立起Acumen基金。。
12. Thrill me with your acumen.
13. Give it to that Mehra who has his business acumen.
翻译:把它给梅赫拉家有商业头脑的人。 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Give it to that Mehra who has his business acumen.。
14. Acumen came in with the patient capital, and we also helped to identify the entrepreneur that we would all partner with here in Africa, and Exxon provided the initial resin.
翻译:而Acumen则携耐心资本一起进入, 同时我们也帮助确定哪些可以与之在 非洲合作的企业家们, 而埃克森公司则提供初始的树脂。。
15. Ay captain, Mr. Chekov's technical acumen makes him more valuable onboard the Franklin with Mr. Scott.
翻译:船长,考虑到契科夫先生的技术才能 外勤过于危险,让他和斯科特先生一起待在号比较合适。
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