bina是什么意思 bina的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-30 02:40


bina是什么意思 bina的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:My blood sugar drops every time i do a scene with Mr. Piece of Shit Va-bina.

翻译:每次跟那小兔崽子演对手戏 我血糖就降得很低。



例句:MR: This is a robot version of my beloved spouse, Bina.

bina是什么意思 bina的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:马:这是我的爱人碧娜的机器人版本。 。



例句:CA: And is your thinking here, part of your hope here, is that this version of Bina can in a sense live on forever, or some future upgrade to this version can live on forever?

翻译:克:你认为,或者你希望, 这个版本的碧娜,或者将来升级版本的碧娜, 可以永生? 。

bina是什么意思 bina的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:There's the centerfold from National Geographic magazine with one of her caregivers, and she roams the web and has hundreds of hours of Bina's mannerisms, personalities.

翻译:这是(发表)在国家地理杂志 中心插页(的一幅照片) (碧娜)和她的护理人员在一起, 她在上网 她拥有几百小时 有关碧娜举止和个性(的信息)。 。



bina一般作为名词使用,如在digit binary(二进数位)、digit equivalent binary(等效二进数位)、diplacusis binauralis([医] 双耳复听)等常见短语中出现较多。

digit binary二进数位digit equivalent binary等效二进数位diplacusis binauralis[医] 双耳复听diplacusis binauralis dysharmonica[医] 双耳不协调性复听dolbina inexacta白星天蛾jacobina fieldJacobian场Karyamoebina falcata[医] 镰状丛核变形虫属orthetrum sabina sabina杜松蜻蜓


1. CA: And is your thinking here, part of your hope here, is that this version of Bina can in a sense live on forever, or some future upgrade to this version can live on forever?

翻译:克:你认为,或者你希望, 这个版本的碧娜,或者将来升级版本的碧娜, 可以永生? 。

2. There's the centerfold from National Geographic magazine with one of her caregivers, and she roams the web and has hundreds of hours of Bina's mannerisms, personalities.

bina是什么意思 bina的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:这是(发表)在国家地理杂志 中心插页(的一幅照片) (碧娜)和她的护理人员在一起, 她在上网 她拥有几百小时 有关碧娜举止和个性(的信息)。 。

3. Mr. Va-bina's getting all the laughs.


4. Bina, could we invite you to the stage? i just have to ask you one question.

翻译:碧娜,我们能请你上台么? 我有一个问题非问不可。 。

5. Bina said, "i love your soul, and whether the outside is Martin and Martine, it doesn't it matter to me, i love your soul."

翻译:碧娜说,“我爱你的灵魂, 至于外表上是马丁还是马蒂娜, 我不在乎,我爱的是你的灵魂。” 。

6. MR: Correct. She was in the intensive care ward for weeks at a time, and Bina and i would tag team to stay at the hospital while the other watched the rest of the kids, and when i was in the hospital and she was sleeping, i went to the hospital library.

翻译:马:是的。她在重症监护室一住就是好几周, 碧娜和我轮流在医院照看, 另一个在家照看其他孩子, 当我在医院值班时, 等吉纳赛斯睡着了之后, 我就跑去医院的图书馆。 。

7. CA: i think Bina's here, right? MR: She is, yeah.

bina是什么意思 bina的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:克:碧娜在场,是吧? 马:她在,是的。 。

8. MR: Yes. Not just Bina, but everybody.

翻译:马:对,但不仅仅是碧娜,所有人。 。

9. Oh boy! i want to see her va-bina!

翻译:噢 天啊 我想看她的。

10. Your Bina madam's waiting.

翻译:你的宾娜在等你呢 Your Bina madam's waiting.。

11. You see me, Bina and Jenesis there.

翻译:那是我,碧娜和吉纳塞斯。 。

12. MR: it happened in consultation with Bina and our four beautiful children, and i discussed with each of them that i felt my soul was always female, and as a woman, but i was afraid people would laugh at me if i expressed it, so i always kept it bottled up and just showed my male side.

翻译:马:我事先和碧娜以及 我们的四个可爱的孩子商量过 我和他们单独讨论的。 我一直觉得我的内心是女性, 可我又担心如果表达出来 会被人笑话, 所以我一直藏在心里 只表现我男性的一面。 。

13. Hey! Mr. Piece of Shit Va-bina! Wanna be on TV?

翻译:海 你这荡的小兔崽子 想上电视吗?。

14. i saw Bina at a discotheque in Los Angeles, and we later began living together, but the moment i saw her, i saw just an aura of energy around her.

翻译:我是在洛杉矶的一个 迪斯科舞厅遇见的碧娜。 后来我们住在了一起, 但从我见到她的那一刻起, 我就看到她所带着的能量。 。

