时间:2022-12-30 02:40
例句:- if you wanna sift through this rubble when we're done, be my guest.
翻译:- 如果你们想等我搞完了来翻。
例句:... We don't need to sift through various offices for their records anymore.
例句:Pick and peck, but swiftly Sift through the ashes
翻译:# 请你们快些 捡起灰土里的豆子 # # Pick and peck, but swiftly sift through the ashes #。
例句:So how do we sift truth from belief?
sift一般作为名词、动词使用,如在drum sifter([化] 转筒筛)、drum sifting(圆筒筛选)、effective sifting area([粮食] 有效筛分面积)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Pick and peck, but swiftly Sift through the ashes
翻译:# 请你们快些 捡起灰土里的豆子 # # Pick and peck, but swiftly sift through the ashes #。
2. So how do we sift truth from belief?
3. it's really, really hard to do at a binary level, but if we translate those similarities to a visual abstraction instead, i don't even have to sift through the raw data.
翻译:在二进制的层面分析真的很难, 但如果我们将这些相似的信息转化为抽象视觉化图像, 我甚至不需要筛选原始的数据。 。
4. Colleagues, when our clients come to us confused and angry and hurting because their flame of love is guttering and threatens to die, do we seek to extinguish that flame so that we can sift through the smoldering wreckage for our paltry reward?
翻译:当客户来找我们 又彷徨又愤怒又伤心 他们爱的火焰明灭不定 我们应该熄灭火焰。
5. Trawling the oceans with mouths agape, their sieve-like gills sift out the plankton and small fish on which they feed.
翻译:巨大的嘴像拖网一样在大海中捕食 它用筛状的鱼鳃过滤出的浮游生物和小鱼 是它们最爱的食物。
6. Now, while this organization has been dormant for the past 10 years and we still have a lot of evidence to sift through, everything points to their involvement.
翻译:虽然这个组织沉寂了xx年 但我们掌握了大量证据 这些证据都指向他们。
7. You can sift through this data and see what people have submitted.
翻译:你可以筛选这些数据看看人们都提交了些什么。 。
8. - Do you have any idea how much evidence i had to sift through?
9. The Germans bombed a grain barge. We sift out the grain to make porridge for the children.
翻译:春天时德国人把运稻谷的驳船给炸了 我们捡起来然后筛筛。
10. Let us for one moment sift all the facts.
11. it'll take some time to sift through it.
12. To accurately identify an illness, labs-on-a-chip may rely on several methods, including chemical fingerprinting, to sift through the large mix of trace substances in a sample of spit.
翻译:为了精准诊断一种疾病, 芯片检验室会采用 包括化学指纹采集在内的几种方法, 对唾液样本中大量的 混杂微量物质进行筛选。 。
13. Slow. There's a lot to sift through.
14. i need you all to sift through the message logs for any critical intel.
翻译:我需要你们回溯信息记录 找出所有重要信息。
15. You could easily get a warrant for that. The program was to sift big data.