时间:2022-12-30 02:10
例句:You choke for a second, with a plethora of images.
翻译:最初会感到窒息 同时画面一个个浮现在眼前。
例句:Among the plethora of life here on Earth, there's a subset of organisms known as extremophiles, or lovers of extreme living conditions, if you'll remember from high school biology.
翻译:在地球上这些丰富多彩的生物里 存在着一个小团体, 叫做极端微生物 如果你们记得高中的生物课 你应该知道他们还叫做极端环境爱好者, 。
例句:Don't see a plethora of bath plugs.
例句:But on top of my family background, my parents also sent me to the United Nations school, where i encountered a plethora of new characters, including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay.
翻译:但除了我(特殊)的家庭背景之外 我的父母还把我送进了学校 在那里我结识了太多的新人 包括 我的法语老师 。
plethora一般作为名词使用,如在general plethora(全身充血)、serous plethora(浆液性多血)、plethora apocoptica([医] 切断术后多血)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Don't see a plethora of bath plugs.
2. But on top of my family background, my parents also sent me to the United Nations school, where i encountered a plethora of new characters, including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay.
翻译:但除了我(特殊)的家庭背景之外 我的父母还把我送进了学校 在那里我结识了太多的新人 包括 我的法语老师 。
3. i assumed he was talking about his plethora of cousins, and he was talking about them, but also about our Syrian family.
翻译:我猜想他指的是他那 一大堆堂兄弟姐妹, 他谈的是他们, 但也包括我们的叙利亚家人。 。
4. Encouraged by Bibo's court room triumph, exploitation filmmakers jumped on the bandwagon and pumped out a plethora of nudist camp movies, each more cheeky than the last.
翻译:鼓励碧波 法庭房间的胜利 开采制片人 见风使舵 并抽出了大量的主义者阵营 电影 每一次比一次更面露。。
5. He enriches "Midnight’s Children" with a plethora of indian and Pakistani cultural references, from family traditions to food, religion and folktales.
翻译:他用大量的印巴文化 充实了《午夜之子》的内容, 涵盖家庭传统、饮食、 文化和民间故事。 。
6. An elegant worsted wool jacket over a plethora of plaid, with a hint of polka dot.
翻译:一件优雅的精纺羊绒外套 外加一条彩格披肩 再以波尔卡小圆点衬衫作点缀。
7. i'm sure we'll have a plethora of other opportunities!
翻译:我相信还会有很多机会 丽达。
8. And there weren't a lot of books about the history of design in the early 70s. There weren't -- there wasn't a plethora of design publishing.
翻译:在xx年代初,并没有很多 关于设计历史的书。也没有—— 也没有过多的设计出版。 。
9. i've been thinking about this for 50 years, and a year and a half ago i came out with the book "How To Create A Mind," which has the same thesis, but now there's a plethora of evidence.
翻译:我已经思考了xx年, xx年半前我出了本书, ”如何创造思想,“ 这本书和那篇论文有着相同的主题, 但现在有了更多的证据支撑。 。
10. it's been a plethora of weeks.
11. A plethora of social occasions are little more than thinly-disguised seduction opportunities.
翻译:大量的社交场合提供的机会 避免了毫不遮掩的引诱。
12. But on top of my family background, my parents also sent me to the United Nations school, where i encountered a plethora of new characters, including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay.
翻译:但除了我(特殊)的家庭背景之外 我的父母还把我送进了学校 在那里我结识了太多的新人 包括 我的法语老师。
13. And there weren't a lot of books about the history of design in the early 70s. There weren't -- there wasn't a plethora of design publishing.
翻译:在xx年代初,并没有很多 关于设计历史的书。也没有—— 也没有过多的设计出版。。
14. A plethora of social occasions are little more than thiniy-disguised seduction opportunities.
翻译:过量的社交场合是多于 变相的机会。
15. The lieutenant is a plethora of contradictions.