时间:2022-12-30 01:45
例句:if you like peanut-butter coladas and off-leash walks in the rain...
翻译:如果你喜欢花生酱朗姆酒 而且不戴狗链在雨中散步...。
coladas一般作为名词使用,如在pina coladas([网络] 彻底改变冰镇果汁朗姆酒;沙滩上喝冰镇果汁朗姆酒;冰镇果汁郎姆酒)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. This time next week, i'll be sucking down pi� coladas in a hot tub with six girls named Amber and Tiffany.
翻译:下礼拜我会一边饮料 一边和六个辣妹洗三温暖。
2. Also, checked out our room, dibbed the side of the bed closest to the window, ordered us a round of virgin pina coladas and signed us up for parasailing.
翻译:还检查了一下房间 占好了床上靠窗的那边 给咱们预定了饮料。
3. And the pina coladas and not your emotional turmoil
翻译:和翩coladas 而不是你的情感风暴。
4. Wait till you try the pina coladas.
5. We ate lobster, drank pina coladas.
6. - Two virgin pina coladas.
翻译:- 两杯鸡尾酒 - 谢谢 Kate。
7. Can we get a couple of those potato coladas?
8. She's a loaded pistol who likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
翻译:她是朵含苞待放的鲜花 喜欢喝pina colada和雨中漫步 (pina colada: 用凤梨汁、椰子汁和兰姆酒调制的饮料)。
9. Maybe she could ask if he likes pina coladas and walks in the rain.
翻译:也许她还该问证人是不是喜欢凤梨啦 可可啊走在雨里啊什么的。
10. Bermuda. Jet Skis. Pina coladas.
翻译:水上喷气滑板 椰酱鸡尾酒。。
11. Take a table and i'm going to bring you some Congo Coladas.
翻译:表 和我要 给您带来一些刚果Coladas。。
12. -l recommend the pina coladas.
13. i'm gonna build a swimming pool... full of pina coladas and a college girls.