时间:2022-12-30 00:55
例句:it used standardized tests, asking specific questions to identify children the agency could later recruit.
翻译:他们用标准化测试 出一些特别的题目 来发掘以后适合做特工的孩子。
例句:One is fast food, where everything is standardized.
翻译:一是快餐, 全部标准化。。
例句:Who could i speak to regarding the allegations of racial bias on your standardized tests?
翻译:关于你们的标准考试 种族歧视的指控 我该找谁?。
例句:Oh, it's one of those standardized tests kids take.
翻译:哦 是孩子们参加的标准化测试的考卷。
standardized一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在inverse standardized rate(反推法标准率)、non standardized([网络] 非标准的;标准化;非标准化)、normal standardized score([统计] 正态标准化分数)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Who could i speak to regarding the allegations of racial bias on your standardized tests?
翻译:关于你们的标准考试 种族歧视的指控 我该找谁?。
2. Oh, it's one of those standardized tests kids take.
翻译:哦 是孩子们参加的标准化测试的考卷。
3. So long as the questions are standardized, the map is actually independent of language.
翻译:只要问题能够被标准化, 这个地图事实上是于语言的。 。
4. The URLs need to be standardized, torrents need seeding. We need to...
翻译:网址需要标准化 种子文件需要做种,我们需要。
5. They have the power to tell us more about what a child is learning than a standardized test can.
翻译:它们比标准化的考试 更能向我们反映出 孩子们学到了什么。 。
6. You know, you're not as dumb as your performance on standardized tests would indicate.
翻译:你的智力不像 你的学力测验成绩那么笨。
7. So we're saying, let's build a standardized chassis, much like our car.
翻译:传统型公寓 所以我们说,得建造标准的“底盘” 就像我们的车一样,让我们把高科技 。
8. They tend to solve and do well on standardized tests, however important that is.
翻译:他们一般很善于应付标准化测试, 不管是多么重要的考试。 。
9. Aww, not the yearly standardized test again!
翻译:啊 不会又是年度标准化考试吧! Aww, not the yearly standardized test again!。
10. And by doing that over the course of a couple of years, she standardized puzzles.
翻译:然后 一两年之后 通过编辑 填字游戏 她使它变得标准化了。
11. The first one is a national standardized test in multiple-choice style.
翻译:第一个是全国标准测试, 考试是以多项选择的形式。 。
12. This is a standardized psychological test.
翻译:不 这就是一个标准的心理测试。
13. it's the pre-test for the state standardized test.
14. i found them integrated into a series of standardized tests that were administered here in 1982.
翻译:我发现它们是和xx年在这里进行过的 一系列标准化的测试题结合起来的。
15. For those of you planning to take the Standardized Exam, as you see on the board, for English, it's Standardized English, and for math, we recommend Standardized Math.
翻译:准备应考基准试的同学 请留意告示板 有标准英语 还有标准数学。
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