overfishing是什么意思 overfishing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-30 00:45


overfishing是什么意思 overfishing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:And i wanted to close this program with a story of hope, a story i did on marine reserves as sort of a solution to the problem of overfishing, the global fish crisis story.

翻译:我想用一篇充满希望的报道来结束这次演讲, 一篇我做的关于海洋保护区的报道, 可以说是一个对 过度捕鱼问题和全球鱼类危机的解决方案的报道。 。



例句:With the right strategies, we can reverse overfishing.

overfishing是什么意思 overfishing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:有了正确的策略, 我们可以扭转过度捕捞的状况。 。



例句:But in the international realm, where fishing and overfishing has really gone wild, these are the places that we have to make hope spots in.

翻译:但是在过渡捕鱼盛行的 国际海领域 我们还需努力 。



例句:And then the really scary thing about all of this -- the overfishing, the pollution and the climate change -- is that each thing doesn't happen in a vacuum.

翻译:然而真正可怕的事情是 所有这些 过度捕捞,污染,和气候变化 每件事都并非发生在真空里,。



overfishing一般作为名词使用,如在growth overfishing(生长型捕捞过度)、recruitment overfishing(补充型捕捞过度)等常见短语中出现较多。

growth overfishing生长型捕捞过度recruitment overfishing补充型捕捞过度


1. But in the international realm, where fishing and overfishing has really gone wild, these are the places that we have to make hope spots in.

翻译:但是在过渡捕鱼盛行的 国际海领域 我们还需努力 。

2. And then the really scary thing about all of this -- the overfishing, the pollution and the climate change -- is that each thing doesn't happen in a vacuum.

overfishing是什么意思 overfishing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:然而真正可怕的事情是 所有这些 过度捕捞,污染,和气候变化 每件事都并非发生在真空里,。

3. Overfishing, global warming, depletion of resources, pollution, my drive has taken me a long way.

翻译:过度捕捞,全球变暖 能源枯竭,环境污染 这些都是我们咎由自取。

4. Of course, fixing overfishing is just one step to fixing our oceans.

翻译:当然,解决过度捕捞只是 修复海洋的第一步。 。

5. Because of climate change, on top of overfishing and pollution, coral reefs may be gone within 30 years.

翻译:然而由于气候变化、 过度捕捞、环境污染 诸多问题的侵扰, 珊瑚礁可能会在 未来 30 年内彻底消失。 。

6. And the two main threats to penguins today are overfishing and global warming.

翻译:目前企鹅所面临的两大威胁 是过度的捕鱼和全球气候变暖。。

7. Overfishing has caused fish stocks to plummet.

overfishing是什么意思 overfishing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:过度的捕捞鱼类, 导致鱼群数量的剧减。 。

8. We weren't the only ones to tackle this subject, but the photographs that Brian and Randy created are among the best to capture both the human and natural devastation of overfishing.

翻译:我们不是报道这一话题的唯一媒体 但是布莱恩和兰迪的作品 在表现过度捕捞对于人类 和大自然的毁灭性影响上是最优秀的。

9. And the reason it keeps getting worse is that after a natural catastrophe, like a hurricane, it used to be that there was some kind of successional sequence of recovery, but what's going on now is that overfishing and pollution and climate change are all interacting in a way that prevents that.

翻译:日益恶化的原因是 在自然灾害过后 例如一场飓风 以前通常会有 一连串的恢复过程 但现在的情况是 过度捕捞、污染和气候变化 彼此相互作用 阻止这一过程的发生 。

overfishing是什么意思 overfishing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

10. in these communities, the fishermen developed a kind of social contract that told each one of them to hold back a bit to prevent overfishing.

翻译:在这些村落里, 渔民建立起了某种社会契约, 告诉大家捕鱼的时候得 悠着点,避免过度捕获。 。

11. We weren't the only ones to tackle this subject, but the photographs that Brian and Randy created are among the best to capture both the human and natural devastation of overfishing.

翻译:我们不是报道这一话题的唯一媒体 但是布莱恩和兰迪的作品 在表现过度捕捞对于人类 和大自然的毁灭性影响上是最优秀的 。

12. Decades of overfishing had brought them close to collapse.

翻译:数xx年的过度捕捞一度 将这个村子带到破产边缘。 。

13. And i wanted to close this program with a story of hope, a story i did on marine reserves as sort of a solution to the problem of overfishing, the global fish crisis story.

翻译:我想用一篇充满希望的报道来结束这次演讲, 一篇我做的关于海洋保护区的报道, 可以说是一个对 过度捕鱼问题和全球鱼类危机的解决方案的报道。。

14. And the reason was because of overfishing, and the fact that a last common grazer, a sea urchin, died.

翻译:原因就是 过度捕捞 还有就是最后一个食藻生物 海胆死了。

15. i found more bleached coral and no big fish but i had a hunch that ocean warming and overfishing were not the only problems

翻译:我找到更多死亡的珊瑚 而没有大鱼 但是我有个预感 过渡捕鱼和海洋变暖 不是唯一的问题。



