时间:2022-12-30 00:05
例句:That's a letter of abdication... renouncing your claims to the throne... and the claims of your entire family.
翻译:这是你和你所有亲族 的退位同意书。
例句:That's why he stood there renouncing his whole kingdom, everything.
翻译:这边,他可能正倚着他的公牛: 南迪 但是公牛没有发现。
例句:Without renouncing attachment, the key leads to self-destruction.
翻译:如果不彻底抛开一切 这把钥匙会毁了你自己的。
例句:that of not heeding my calling and renouncing my vows.
renouncing一般作为动词使用,如在renouncing probate([法] 放弃遗嘱检认)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Without renouncing attachment, the key leads to self-destruction.
翻译:如果不彻底抛开一切 这把钥匙会毁了你自己的。
2. that of not heeding my calling and renouncing my vows.
3. Renouncing your title as Master of the Order of Calatrava in favor of your son.
4. Renouncing the First Order, saving this man's life.
翻译:脱离第一秩序 救下这个年轻人的命 Renouncing the First Order, saving this man's life.。
5. The trouble with a Nazi criminal like Eichmann... was that he insisted on renouncing all personal qualities... as if there was nobody left to be either punished or forgiven.
翻译:像艾希曼这样的罪犯所引出的问题是 他坚持这些不是自己个人的主观行为 似乎觉得没有人应被惩罚,也没有什么需要被宽恕。
6. Some travelers take to the road by choice, renouncing materialism, traditional jobs and university degrees in exchange for a glimmer of adventure.
翻译:一些旅人去流浪是出于选择的, 他们抛弃物质主义,传统的工作, 和大学证书,以此换来冒险的希望。 。
7. My dad is on the verge of renouncing my brother
翻译:我爸现气得要跟我弟脱离父子关系 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}My dad is on the verge of renouncing my brother。
8. For all your talk of swearing off women and renouncing love to end up losing your head not for one, but two...
翻译:成天说不想再跟女人有牵扯 要放弃爱情 结果还不是被爱冲昏了头 跟来的观光客乱搞。
9. On the left at the top, there he is, renouncing his worldly goods.
10. They say he stood there renouncing his whole kingdom, everything.
11. Once i drink it, i will cease to exist, thus renouncing my most precious possession, my body.
翻译:待会我喝下去 就告示着我的死亡。
12. Renouncing all possible lives, for one only...
翻译:我放弃了任何生活的可能性 只为一种等待。
13. i thought you were renouncing all your possessions and moving to nepal.
14. Except once, about 15 years ago... he seriously considered renouncing his title... because he met a lovely artist... who showed him wonderful things... about how life could be... how he could be.
翻译:除了有一次 大约是xx年前... Except once, about 15 years ago...。