时间:2022-12-29 23:30
例句:They land on the flower, stick their tongue in there, called a proboscis, and drink sugar water.
翻译:它们停留在花上,将舌头刺进那里, 称作吸管,然后它们喝那些糖水 。
例句:Then, sure enough, they found this moth with a 12-inch proboscis.
翻译:当然,后来真的着找到了 12英吋鼻管的和蛾。
例句:The siphoning mouthpart, a friendlier version of the piercing and sucking beak, also consists of a long, tube-like structure called a proboscis that works like a straw to suck up nectar from flowers.
翻译:虹吸式口器, 一种比较友好一点的刺吸式口器, 也是由一根称作长嘴的的管状组织构成, 它就像一根吸管一样吸取花中的花蜜。 。
例句:And basically what the insect has to do -- we're in the middle of the flower -- it has to stick its little proboscis right into the middle of that and all the way down that nectar tube to get to the nectar.
翻译:基本上昆虫不得不做的是 -- 我们来到花的当中 -- 它把口器刺入 中间的部分 一路向下知道花蜜管 以得到花蜜。 。
proboscis一般作为名词使用,如在proboscis cavity(吻腔)、proboscis flower([网络] 长鼻花)、proboscis flowers([网络] 长鼻花\n(proboscis flower 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。
1. The siphoning mouthpart, a friendlier version of the piercing and sucking beak, also consists of a long, tube-like structure called a proboscis that works like a straw to suck up nectar from flowers.
翻译:虹吸式口器, 一种比较友好一点的刺吸式口器, 也是由一根称作长嘴的的管状组织构成, 它就像一根吸管一样吸取花中的花蜜。 。
2. And basically what the insect has to do -- we're in the middle of the flower -- it has to stick its little proboscis right into the middle of that and all the way down that nectar tube to get to the nectar.
翻译:基本上昆虫不得不做的是 -- 我们来到花的当中 -- 它把口器刺入 中间的部分 一路向下知道花蜜管 以得到花蜜。 。
3. - i know what "proboscis" means.
翻译:- 我知道这个字的意思。
4. it's some kind of proboscis.
5. This is a plant here that insects in South Africa just love, and they've evolved with a long proboscis to get the nectar at the bottom.
翻译:这株植物 为南非的昆虫所喜爱。 它们进化出了长长的口器 以获取底部的花蜜。。
6. You drive on to a proboscis. You get out.
翻译:你开到某个地点。你下车。它帮你升起。 。
7. This is a plant here that insects in South Africa just love, and they've evolved with a long proboscis to get the nectar at the bottom.
翻译:这株植物 为南非的昆虫所喜爱。 它们进化出了长长的口器 以获取底部的花蜜。 。
8. Then the bug will use its serrated mandibles to carve a little hole in your skin, allowing it to probe around with its proboscis, searching for a blood vessel.
翻译:接着,它用它锯齿状的颚 在你的皮肤上戳出一个小破口, 以便它可以用吻管探测周围, 以便它可以用吻管探测周围, 来寻找血管。 。
9. - it's called a proboscis.
10. And they land on the flower. They stick their tongue in there, called a proboscis, and they drink sugar water.
翻译:它们停留在花上,将舌头刺进那里, 称作吸管,然后它们喝那些糖水。
11. ... tokeepyourhandsome young proboscis out of the dirt.
翻译:所以我要警告你 别沾染那些下流的事。
12. You drive on to a proboscis. You get out. it lifts you up.
13. And basically what the insect has to do -- we're in the middle of the flower -- it has to stick its little proboscis right into the middle of that and all the way down that nectar tube to get to the nectar.
翻译:基本上昆虫不得不做的是 -- 我们来到花的当中 -- 它把口器刺入 中间的部分 一路向下知道花蜜管 以得到花蜜。。
14. And finally, the chewing-lapping mouthpart is a combination of mandibles and a proboscis with a tongue-like structure at its tip for lapping up nectar.
翻译:最后,嚼吸式口器, 是一种像舌头般的由下颌钳 和前段喙管结合而成的口器, 这样的构造是为了舔食花蜜。 。
15. - "Proboscis" means nose, by the way.
翻译:- "Proboscis"是鼻管的意思。